DD Form 3027 – Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Certificate of Honor: In Memory of

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3027 – Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Certificate of Honor: In Memory of – If you have been asked to write a DD Form 3027, then you know that it is an important document that needs to be filled out properly. Basically, it is a certificate that is given to those who have been honorably discharged from the US Army, Navy, or Air Force. It will help you certify your service to the military and can be very helpful if you need to get a new ID. The DD form 3027 can be downloaded from the US Defense Department website. Here, you can find all of the information you need to fill out the form.

Download DD Form 3027 – Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Certificate of Honor: In Memory of

Form Number DD Form 3027
Form Title Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Certificate of Honor: In Memory of
Edition Date 7/28/2022
File Size 113 KB

DD Form 3027 (2 downloads )

DD Form 3027 – Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Certificate of Honor: In Memory of

The Vietnam War Commemoration program has created an incredibly important opportunity for all Vietnam veterans and their families to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. By participating in this special event, you can help make sure that your contributions to the war are recognized. You will receive a state certificate of honor as well as a commemorative lapel pin.

The Secretary of Defense, along with the governor of Nebraska and other members of the Governor’s Cabinet, have teamed up to honor the Vietnam War by presenting this commemorative event. This program was authorized by Public Law 110-181 SS598. In addition to receiving the commemorative honor, veterans and their family members can also obtain a commemorative pin that will serve as a way to help resolve any issues they may have with veterans’ benefits.

There are two types of certificates available to Vietnam War veterans and their immediate family members. One type is the “In Memory of” certificate, which is for those who have lost a loved one to the Vietnam War. Another type is the “Surviving Spouse” certificate, which is for those who have been widowed at the time of the veteran’s death.

DD Form 3027 Example

DD Form 3027