DD Form 3046 – Disposition of Remains Election Statement Initial Notification of Identified Partial Remains

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3046 – Disposition of Remains Election Statement Initial Notification of Identified Partial Remains – The DD Form 3046, also known as a Disposition of Remains Election Statement Initial Notification of Identified Partial Remains, is a document issued by the United States military. This form is used to provide notification when human remains have been identified or partially identified. It allows the family of the deceased to begin making plans for the appropriate disposition of remains. When completed and signed, this form must be returned to the responsible command for processing and follow-up with next-of-kin.

Download DD Form 3046 – Disposition of Remains Election Statement Initial Notification of Identified Partial Remains

Form Number DD Form 3046
Form Title Disposition of Remains Election Statement Initial Notification of Identified Partial Remains
Edition Date 1/31/2019
File Size 36 KB

DD Form 3046 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 3046?

DD Form 3046 is an important document that allows the families of deceased military service members to make arrangements for the disposition of their remains. It is a Department of Defense form used to record a family member’s election regarding burial, cremation, and other related decisions. The DD Form 3046 must be signed by a next-of-kin in order to take effect. This form serves as the initial notification that partial remains have been identified and can be used in addition to or in lieu of any other existing instruction.

The form includes instructions for completion, along with two pages that must be filled out completely and accurately by the designated next-of-kin. This includes information such as whether or not there will be a memorial service, whether or not a burial site has been selected, and if so what type it will be (i.e., government cemetery or private cemetery).

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3046?

DD Form 3046 – Disposition of Remains Election Statement Initial Notification of Identified Partial Remains is an important document to have when it comes to planning for the future. Knowing what to do with a deceased person’s remains is a decision that should not be taken lightly, and having the form on hand can help make things easier. Finding this document, however, can be a challenge.

The DD Form 3046 is available from several sources. The most reliable source is the Veterans Affairs website which offers a PDF version of the document for free download and printing. Additionally, this form may also be available at funeral homes or through legal offices as part of their package when pre-planning services for loved ones who are veterans. It might also be possible to find this form in other locations like libraries or online bookstores as well.

DD Form 3046 – Disposition of Remains Election Statement Initial Notification of Identified Partial Remains

When a service member is reported as missing, the Department of Defense (DoD) and military service provide assistance in making disposition arrangements for their remains. They use the DD Form 3046 – Disposition of Remains Election Statement Initial Notification of Identified Partial Remains to help make these arrangements. The form is used to ensure that the wishes of the deceased’s family are taken into consideration with regard to how the remains will be handled.

The DD Form 3046 is used when partial or unidentified human remains have been found and must be disposed of. It collects information such as where the remains were found, what type of burial or disposition services are desired by family members, and if there are any special requests such as religious services or interment at a specific location.

DD Form 3046 Example

DD Form 3046