DD Form 3058 – Department of Defense Consent to Conduct Installation Records Check (IRC)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3058 – Department of Defense Consent to Conduct Installation Records Check (IRC) – This form is used by DoD Component personnel to conduct installation records checks on individuals with a DoD affiliation. These individuals include active duty military and their family members, DoD civilians overseas, and volunteers.

These background checks must be completed before the individual may work in a childcare program. The checks are also conducted on DoD contractors.

Download DD Form 3058 – Department of Defense Consent to Conduct Installation Records Check (IRC)

Form Number DD Form 3058
Form Title Department of Defense Consent to Conduct Installation Records Check (IRC)
Edition Date 10/11/2019
File Size 81 KB

DD Form 3058 (4 downloads )

What is a DD Form 3058?

A DD Form 3058 is a Department of Defense (DoD) form that allows contractors and family child care providers to file an affidavit of citizenship. This form is typically used for people who are not citizens of the United States but are serving in the Armed Forces. It can also be used by other people who need to make a statement of citizenship but do not need to serve in the military. This is an easy form to fill out and sign. It is available to download and print through US Legal Forms online. This is a great way to get all the information you need without having to pay an authorized professional to prepare and fill out the form for you.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3058?

DD Form 3058 is a departmental document that’s usually found in military and government offices. It’s a standard form that may be a bit confusing if you’re not familiar with the terminology. Its most impressive feature is that it can be completed online with minimal effort. Moreover, it’s a good idea to check out US Legal Forms’ selection of pre-configured forms to see which one is the best fit for your needs. You can also download them to your computer, smartphone, or tablet for on-the-go convenience.

DD Form 3058 – Department of Defense Consent to Conduct Installation Records Check (IRC)

DD Form 3058 – Department of Defense Consent to Conduct Installation Records Check (IRC) is a document that is used by the DoD to collect information on individuals who may be working or living on a DoD installation. It is also used by contractors to conduct background checks on potential employees.

The IRC is required for any individual who is employed or who will be a contractor at a DoD installation. It will include an installation law enforcement background check, a drug and alcohol background check, and a Federal background check.

These checks will be conducted at the installation level by DoD Component personnel and will be compiled in a report called the “Installation Record Check Report.”

DoD Components will process these criminal history background checks following established procedures, including contacting the appropriate state(s) in order to request confirmation that an applicant has not been convicted of a sex crime, an offense involving a child victim, or a drug felony. The DoD Component will also depend on the results of an FBI fingerprint check to validate this verification.

The DoD Components will use these criminal history background checks to make selection decisions for positions involving child care services. These decisions are based on the information gathered from these checks and must incorporate common sense considerations of relevance, recentness, and seriousness.

DD Form 3058 Example

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