DD Form 3067-2 – SMART Scholarship Educational Work Plan

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3067-2 – SMART Scholarship Educational Work Plan – If you are looking for a form that was released by the Department of Defense, DD Form 3067-2 is probably the one you’re interested in. However, before you download this form you should know a few things. Keep reading to find out what this form is, where you can get a copy of it, and how to fill it out online!

Download DD Form 3067-2 – SMART Scholarship Educational Work Plan

Form Number DD Form 3067-2
Form Title SMART Scholarship Educational Work Plan
Edition Date 9/23/2019
File Size 174 KB

DD Form 3067-2 (2 downloads )

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3067-2?

The DD Form 3067-2 is available on the Department of Defense website. This is the official form for military members who have moved into a new duty station or have changed duty stations. The form can be filled out online via SmartVoucher. If you have any questions regarding the form, please contact your local pay office.

You can also fill out the DD Form 3067-2 offline at your local pay office. If you are unable to fill out the form on your own, then you can download the PDF version below. Note: Due to recent DoD security requirements, some blank fillable PDF forms may not allow you to send them from a personal email account. DFAS is working to ensure that DoD/Government internet sites revise their blank fillable forms to meet these new security requirements.

DD Form 3067-2 Example

DD Form 3067-2