DD Form 3067-3 – SMART Scholarship Foreign Travel Notification

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3067-3 – SMART Scholarship Foreign Travel Notification – If you’re a veteran who separated from service administratively under other than honorable conditions, you may want to seek a review of your discharge. This can be done by submitting DoD Form 293, Application for the Review of Discharge or Dismissal from the Armed Forces, to the appropriate service board.

Download DD Form 3067-3 – SMART Scholarship Foreign Travel Notification

Form Number DD Form 3067-3
Form Title SMART Scholarship Foreign Travel Notification
Edition Date 9/23/2019
File Size 3 MB

DD Form 3067-3 (6 downloads )

The SMART Scholarship is an incredible opportunity for current and prospective college students to pursue higher education while also gaining invaluable experience in their given field. To help ensure the safety of participants, the Department of Defense has issued DD Form 3067-3 – SMART Scholarship Foreign Travel Notification. This form helps provide notification of any foreign travel plans students or representatives may have that are associated with the scholarship program.

What is a DD Form 3067-3?

DD Form 3067-3 is an important document for any Service Members and Affiliates of the Science, Mathematics, And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship Program. This form serves as a notification to the Department of Defense that you are traveling abroad. It is a mandatory requirement for anyone who is part of the SMART Scholarship Program and wishes to travel outside their home country.

The DD Form 3067-3 requires a signature from both the Service Member and their supervisor in order to be approved by the Department of Defense. The form should include details about your destination, purpose of travel, expected length of stay, estimated costs associated with this trip, contact information for emergency purposes, and more. Any changes to these details must be reported immediately prior to departure or within three days upon return from international travel.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3067-3?

Are you a college student who is looking to travel abroad for your studies or other purposes? If so, then you may need to complete DD Form 3067-3, also known as the SMART Scholarship Foreign Travel Notification. This form consists of two pages and must be completed in order to authorize any foreign travel taken by a student receiving a SMART Scholarship. The form can be found on the official website of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Simply go to https://smart.defense.gov/Forms/ and scroll down until you find DD Form 3067-3 at the bottom of the page. Once there, click on it and download it onto your computer or laptop so that you can fill it out before submitting it to your college’s financial aid office for approval.

DD Form 3067-3 – SMART Scholarship Foreign Travel Notification

The DD Form 3067-3 is a United States Department of Defense form for those who are receiving the SMART Scholarship and will be traveling abroad. It serves as a way for the Department of Defense to monitor and approve any foreign travel for those on active duty or within the reserves. The form must be completed and sent to your servicing personnel office prior to traveling overseas.

The first section of this document requires basic information from the applicant such as name, rank, branch of service, social security number, etc., as well as a statement confirming that you are accepted in or affiliated with an approved academic institution and that you have received approval from your command/supervisor. Furthermore, there is also a section where you must include information regarding the purpose of your trip such as dates leaving and returning, the country visited, and specific activities planned while abroad.

DD Form 3067-3 Example

DD Form 3067-3