DD Form 3067-4 – SMART Scholarship Internship Report for Recruitment Participants

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3067-4 – SMART Scholarship Internship Report for Recruitment Participants – The DD Form 3067-4 is an important document used by the U.S. Department of Defense to track the progress of recruitment participants in the SMART Scholarship Internship Program. It serves as a record of the intern’s training and development activities, accomplishments, and any issues that need to be addressed. This article will provide an overview of what is included on the form, as well as tips for completing it accurately and efficiently.

Download DD Form 3067-4 – SMART Scholarship Internship Report for Recruitment Participants

Form Number DD Form 3067-4
Form Title SMART Scholarship Internship Report for Recruitment Participants
Edition Date 9/23/2019
File Size 49 KB

DD Form 3067-4 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 3067-4?

A DD Form 3067-4 is a United States Department of Defense (DoD) form used by recipients of the SMART Scholarship program to submit an internship report. It is designed for those who have participated in recruitment activities and received an offer from a DoD facility or contractor. The DD Form 3067-4 must be completed within 45 days of the participant’s start date and provides an opportunity for the recipient to report on their progress and performance during the internship period. Filling out this form allows recruiters to better evaluate each individual’s experience and suitability for future opportunities with the DoD. It also serves to document each participant’s accomplishments while interning with a DoD facility or contractor. Completing this form accurately and thoroughly is essential, as it can influence how qualified recruiters view each individual candidate in the future.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3067-4?

DD Form 3067-4 – SMART Scholarship Internship Report for Recruitment Participants is an important form for participants in the Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship Program. This form helps ensure that those who are participating in the program are meeting all of their obligations to the scholarship. But where can you find a DD Form 3067-4? Read on to learn more about how this important document can be accessed.

The best place to find a DD Form 3067-4 is on the official website of the Department of Defense (DoD). A quick search will lead you directly to an online copy template which can be filled out and submitted electronically. In addition, physical paper copies may be available at select DoD offices or military installations. It’s recommended that applicants contact their local Branch Service Office for availability before visiting in person.

DD Form 3067-4 – SMART Scholarship Internship Report for Recruitment Participants

Are you interested in a scholarship that not only covers your education costs but also offers you a civilian job with the Department of Defense (DoD) upon graduation? If so, you should consider applying for a SMART Scholarship. The SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program provides full scholarships to students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. As a part of the SMART Scholarship Program, scholars are required to complete one year of service at a DoD facility after they graduate. Once the service requirement is fulfilled, SMART Scholars have the option to continue working with DoD as civilian employees or pursue a career elsewhere. The SMART Scholarship Program is a great way to support the mission of the DoD while pursuing a dream job in STEM.

DD Form 3067-4 Example

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