DD Form 3067-8 – SMART Scholarship Recruitment Internship Request

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 3067-8 – SMART Scholarship Recruitment Internship Request – The SMART Scholarship program is an exciting way to engage in groundbreaking discoveries and explorations as a DoD civilian employee. In exchange for a full scholarship to pursue a bachelor’s degree or higher, SMART Scholars commit to working at the DoD for one year after graduation in support of their studies and mission requirements.

Download DD Form 3067-8 – SMART Scholarship Recruitment Internship Request

Form Number DD Form 3067-8
Form Title SMART Scholarship Recruitment Internship Request
Edition Date 9/23/2019
File Size 70 KB

DD Form 3067-8 (6 downloads )

DD Form 3067-8 – SMART Scholarship Recruitment Internship Request

DD Form 3067-8 is a form used to request internship opportunities through the Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation Scholarship Program (SMART). This scholarship program is designed to increase the number of new civilian science, technology, engineering, and math entrants to the DoD. This program also develops and retains current DoD civilian STEM employees that are critical to the national security functions of the DoD.

SMART Scholars receive a 1.5 to a 5-year scholarship to study in a technical discipline. Upon graduation, they fulfill a service commitment with the DoD facility that nominated them for an award.

DD Form 3067-8 Example

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