DD Form 3076-5 – Military Working Dog (MWD) Covenant Not to Sue with Indemnity Agreement (Adoption)

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 3076-5 – Military Working Dog (MWD) Covenant Not to Sue with Indemnity Agreement (Adoption) – Military Working Dogs (MWDs) have been a valuable part of the U.S. military for many years, providing an invaluable service. For those who are interested in giving one of these heroic animals a forever home after their service is complete, the DD Form 3076-5 – Military Working Dog Covenant Not to Sue with Indemnity Agreement provides an important safeguard against any potential legal liabilities associated with adoption.

Download DD Form 3076-5 – Military Working Dog (MWD) Covenant Not to Sue with Indemnity Agreement (Adoption)

Form Number DD Form 3076-5
Form Title Military Working Dog (MWD) Covenant Not to Sue with Indemnity Agreement (Adoption)
Edition Date 10/9/2019
File Size 22 KB

DD Form 3076-5 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 3076-5?

A DD Form 3076-5 is a legal document used in the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to adopt a Military Working Dog (MWD). The form serves as an agreement between the MWD adopter, the DoD, and any other associated parties. It outlines the terms of adoption and offers mutual protection against any potential liability or injury claims.

This document provides indemnity for those who have direct contact with MWDs such as trainers or handlers and covers both property damage as well as personal injuries caused by negligence or misconduct related to the dog during service or after adoption. Additionally, it includes provisions that protect adopters from financial loss if they are unable to keep their adopted MWD due to unforeseen circumstances. The DD Form 3076-5 is an important tool for ensuring safety and responsibility when adopting a military working dog from the DoD program.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3076-5?

Are you looking for a DD Form 3076-5? As part of the process of adopting a retired military working dog (MWD), the adopter must sign a covenant not to sue with an indemnity agreement. This form is also known as “The DD Form 3076-5,” and is available at several locations.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) provides this form on its website, or it can be requested by mail. Additionally, those interested in adoption may be able to obtain it from local military installations or MWD kennels and through animal welfare organizations. It is important that adopters ensure they are using an up-to-date copy of the form as rules and regulations regarding adoption may vary depending on location and time period.

DD Form 3076-5 – Military Working Dog (MWD) Covenant Not to Sue with Indemnity Agreement (Adoption)

Adopting a retired Military Working Dog (MWD) is an incredibly rewarding experience for both the dog and the adopter. The Department of Defense (DoD) has established DD Form 3076-5, which outlines all of the contractual details between the MWD’s previous owner, the DoD, and potential adopters. This form includes a Covenant Not to Sue with Indemnity Agreement that is designed to protect all involved parties.

This document requires potential adopters to agree that they will not sue or hold responsible any agency of the US government for any injury or damage caused by their adopted MWD during its lifetime in service. Furthermore, it states that the adoptive family agrees to provide proper veterinary care while providing safe housing and adequate nutrition at no cost from the DoD.

DD Form 3076-5 Example

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