DD Form 3112 – Personnel Accountability and Assessment Notification for a Public Health Emergency

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 3112 – Personnel Accountability and Assessment Notification for a Public Health Emergency – Public health emergencies can be an incredibly stressful time, both for those in the affected areas and those supporting the cause. It is imperative during these times that personnel are carefully accounted for and their health and well-being are taken into consideration. The DD Form 3112 serves as a formal notification and assessment of personnel during a public health emergency to ensure appropriate measures are taken to protect all involved.

Download DD Form 3112 – Personnel Accountability and Assessment Notification for a Public Health Emergency

Form Number DD Form 3112
Form Title Personnel Accountability and Assessment Notification for a Public Health Emergency
Edition Date 11/9/2022
File Size 98 KB

DD Form 3112 (2 downloads )

What is a DD Form 3112?

DD Form 3112 is a critical form used by the Department of Defense (DOD) to ensure personnel accountability and assessment notification in the event of a public health emergency. It serves as an effective tool for tracking and assessing personnel in any given situation, with the aim of providing quick assistance to those affected by a medical emergency. In addition, this form enables the DOD to collect data on current events that may affect their operations or personnel during such an event.

The DD Form 3112 provides vital information such as the date and location of the incident, name, and address of individuals involved, type of medical attention received, treatment provided, and results obtained. This information helps provide timely support for those affected by public health emergencies. It also allows military leaders to have updated records on unit readiness status which can be used to plan operations more effectively.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3112?

The DD Form 3112 is a U.S. military document used to ensure personnel accountability in a public health emergency. The form is required of all personnel in the event of a natural or man-made disaster and helps track the location and status of affected personnel. Knowing where to find this critical form is important for anyone who may find themselves involved in such an emergency situation.

The DD Form 3112 can be found on several websites maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense, including their official website at defense.gov, as well as other government sites such as the National Guard’s official website and various state government websites that cater to members of the National Guard or other branches of service. Additionally, some employers may choose to keep copies available for employees who are current members of any branch of service should they ever need it during an emergency situation.

DD Form 3112 – Personnel Accountability and Assessment Notification for a Public Health Emergency

When responding to a public health emergency, personnel accountability is key. The U.S. Department of Defense has developed the DD Form 3112 – Personnel Accountability and Assessment Notification (PAAN) to help ensure the safety of service members and civilians during these events. This form helps to identify those persons located within an affected area during a health emergency and provides information in order to assess their physical condition, any medical care received or needed, and provide aid where necessary.

The DD Form 3112 allows for personnel to be identified quickly and accurately by their unit commanders in order to assess their status immediately after an incident occurs.

DD Form 3112 Example

DD Form 3112 - Page 1 DD Form 3112 - Page 2