DD Form 3121-5 – Request for Publication of STRL Personnel Demonstration Project Omnibus Federal Register

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 3121-5 – Request for Publication of STRL Personnel Demonstration Project Omnibus Federal Register – The DD Form 3121-5 is an important document for anyone looking to publish a personnel demonstration project in the Federal Register. This form is used to request publication of an STRL Personnel Demonstration Project in the Omnibus Federal Register, and it must be completed accurately and submitted to the appropriate party for consideration. The form covers all aspects of the personnel demonstration project, from its purpose and goals to its expected start date and duration.

Download DD Form 3121-5 – Request for Publication of STRL Personnel Demonstration Project Omnibus Federal Register

Form Number DD Form 3121-5
Form Title Request for Publication of STRL Personnel Demonstration Project Omnibus Federal Register
Edition Date 1/5/2022
File Size 32 KB

DD Form 3121-5 (6 downloads )

What is a DD Form 3121-5?

DD Form 3121-5 is a document used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to request the publication in the Federal Register for personnel demonstration projects. It is used to provide public notice and solicit public comment on proposed demonstration projects conducted under Chapter 58 of Title 10, United States Code. The form provides details of the proposed project, including its purpose, duration, funding source, timeline and any applicable regulations that will be followed.

The DD Form 3121-5 must be submitted to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for review before it can be published in the Federal Register. Once approved by OPM, the completed document is forwarded to the Secretary of Defense for final approval before being published. The published STRL Personnel Demonstration Project Omnibus Federal Register provides information about personnel demonstration projects and allows interested parties to submit comments or objections regarding any aspect of the proposed project.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3121-5?

The DD Form 3121-5 is a form created by the Department of Defense (DoD) to help support and streamline personnel operations within the DoD. This form is used to request the publication in the Federal Register for an Omnibus Personnel Demonstration Project – also known as STRL. The STRL project allows military personnel to operate with greater flexibility in terms of their job duties, assignment locations, and career paths. To ensure that all interested parties are informed about these changes and opportunities, the DoD requires that all organizations involved in this program publish announcements in the Federal Register.

In order to make this process easier, DoD has made the DD Form 3121-5 available for download from its official website at www.dodforms.osd.mil/3121-5/. Additionally, hard copies of the form can be picked up from any U.

DD Form 3121-5 – Request for Publication of STRL Personnel Demonstration Project Omnibus Federal Register

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) recently announced the release of DD Form 3121-5, the Request for Publication of STRL Personnel Demonstration Project Omnibus Federal Register. This form is to be used by any interested party who wishes to submit a publication request for the STRL Personnel Demonstration Project in the Federal Register. The project is aimed at providing clear guidance and procedures on personnel management operations within DoD’s Science and Technology Reinforcement Laboratories (STRL).

The purpose of this form is to provide an easy way for requesters to submit their publication requests in accordance with applicable regulations and standards set forth by DoD’s Office of Research & Development (ORD). Once submitted, each request will be reviewed by ORD personnel who will then determine if it meets all criteria established in the Federal Register Notice.

DD Form 3121-5 Example

DD Form 3121-5