DD Form 3134 – Limited Access Authorization for Aliens and Foreign Nationals

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 3134 – Limited Access Authorization for Aliens and Foreign Nationals – The purpose of the DD Form 3134 – Limited Access Authorization for Aliens and Foreign Nationals is to provide access to certain Department of Defense (DoD) facilities, information, and equipment. It is essential for those who wish to enter DoD premises and need authorization from the United States government in order to do so. This form is used by the U.S. military to identify alien and foreign nationals who are eligible for limited access privileges at DoD installations and other related locations.

Download DD Form 3134 – Limited Access Authorization for Aliens and Foreign Nationals

Form Number DD Form 3134
Form Title Limited Access Authorization for Aliens and Foreign Nationals
Edition Date 8/18/2021
File Size 48 KB

DD Form 3134 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 3134?

DD Form 3134 is an essential document for aliens and foreign nationals who are seeking access to certain restricted areas of the United States. It is part of the Department of Defense (DoD) Visitor Access System, which allows visitors from outside the United States to access military installations, facilities and personnel. The form must be completed by the visitor prior to entering a restricted area or facility in order to gain authorization from DoD.

The DD Form 3134 outlines the necessary information that must be provided by all non-U.S. citizens requesting access to DoD facilities and personnel. This includes personal details such as full name, date of birth, country of origin, and address information; background information such as passport details or visa status; and proposed activities while on-site at a military installation or facility.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3134?

Finding the DD Form 3134 is simple and straightforward. This form, also known as the Limited Access Authorization for Aliens and Foreign Nationals, is available from a variety of online sources. The Department of Defense (DoD) website provides an official version of the document which can be accessed directly through their website. Additionally, other government sites such as US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) offer versions of the form that are valid for use with immigration applications.

The DD Form 3134 must be completed by all aliens requesting access to any DoD facility or property. It requires basic personal information such as name, date of birth, and address along with other important information including country of origin, citizenship status, and visa type if applicable.

DD Form 3134 – Limited Access Authorization for Aliens and Foreign Nationals

The DD Form 3134 – Limited Access Authorization for Aliens and Foreign Nationals is an important document for any business or organization that employs foreign nationals. This form must be completed before a non-U.S. citizen can gain access to restricted areas of the company, such as a secure location or data center, where sensitive materials are stored. The purpose of this form is to ensure that only individuals who have been cleared by the United States Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are allowed access to these areas.

The DD Form 3134 requires applicants to provide detailed information such as their name, date of birth, address history, and other identifying information. It also requires employers to provide complete details about the type of work they plan to assign the applicant and any restrictions that apply, such as those related to national security or public safety concerns.

DD Form 3134 Example

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