DD Form 3179 – Problematic Sexual Behavior Non-Clinical Referral Tool

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 3179 – Problematic Sexual Behavior Non-Clinical Referral Tool – This article provides an overview of the DD Form 3179, a non-clinical referral tool used to identify and refer to problematic sexual behavior. The form is intended to be used by clinicians and other professionals who work with children, adolescents, and adults who display concerning sexual behaviors or are at risk for engaging in these behaviors. By utilizing the form, professionals can more effectively assess an individual’s risk level and provide appropriate guidance on how to best address their concerns.

Download DD Form 3179 – Problematic Sexual Behavior Non-Clinical Referral Tool

Form Number DD Form 3179
Form Title Problematic Sexual Behavior Non-Clinical Referral Tool
Edition Date 1/21/2022
File Size 400 KB

DD Form 3179 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 3179?

DD Form 3179 is a Non-Clinical Referral Tool that provides guidance to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) personnel, including military service members and their families when dealing with problematic sexual behavior. The form is intended to help identify situations that require further action by licensed mental health professionals or other medical experts, such as social workers or chaplains. It also serves as an important safety net for individuals who may have difficulty navigating the legal and medical systems on their own.

The DoD developed DD Form 3179 in response to rising incidents of sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct in the military over the last decade. The form seeks to provide support for victims of these crimes while also providing investigators avenues for identifying perpetrators who need additional assessment or treatment prior to prosecution proceedings.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3179?

Finding the right tool for the job is always important. In this case, the job is identifying and referring individuals exhibiting problematic sexual behavior. The DD Form 3179 is a non-clinical referral tool designed to help identify these individuals and refer them to appropriate treatments.

The DD Form 3179 was created by the Department of Defense (DoD). It contains questions that can be used to assess problematic sexual behavior in service members, including the age of consent laws and other relevant topics. Additionally, it provides guidance on when and how to refer individuals for further evaluation and treatment if needed.

The form can be found on the DoD’s website or obtained from a military installation clinic or hospital.

DD Form 3179 – Problematic Sexual Behavior Non-Clinical Referral Tool

The DD Form 3179 is a tool for the Department of Defense (DOD) to help members of the military identify and refer individuals for appropriate assessment, care, and treatment related to problematic sexual behavior. This form can be used by anyone—from commanders in charge to chaplains, healthcare providers, counselors, or victims’ advocates—to evaluate if an individual’s behavior needs a referral for professional evaluation and treatment.

Developed by the DOD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office in 2008, this non-clinical referral tool allows evaluators to assess whether someone’s sexual behavior is healthy or concerning. The goal of the form is to provide a standardized approach to identify potential warning signs associated with unhealthy sexual behaviors within the DOD community. By relying on this standard assessment tool and referring individuals who exhibit concerning behaviors early on, it can potentially prevent further negative consequences associated with such behaviors.

DD Form 3179 Example

DD Form 3179 DD Form 3179 DD Form 3179 DD Form 3179 DD Form 3179