DD Form 375C – Production Progress Report

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 375C – Production Progress Report – If you are in the process of hiring or training an employee, you will need to complete the DD Form 375C. This document will provide the necessary information to the hiring organization so that they can evaluate your applicant’s skills and abilities.

Download DD Form 375C – Production Progress Report

Form Number DD Form 375C
Form Title Production Progress Report
Edition Date
File Size 5 KB

DD Form 375C (11 downloads )

Where Can I Find a DD Form 375C?

If you’re looking for the perfect DD Form 375C, you have come to the right place. Aside from being a convenient way to access your military records, the 375C is a useful document that can help you in your quest to become a civilian. Its purpose is to help you make the transition smoothly. You can do so by completing the required information. After which, you can choose to pay the nominal fee and move on to the next level. Once there, you’ll find a myriad of opportunities to learn more about your military career and the department’s rich history. The best part is, you’ll get to know your colleagues better too!

Before you start filling out the 375C, however, you’ll want to know what to expect. This includes checking in with your unit’s orderly room before you head out the door. Also, be sure to check in if you’re traveling by air, as you’ll need to report your arrival and departure via email.

DD Form 375C – Production Progress Report

The DD Form 375C – Production Progress Report is a document that requires a contractor to report on various actions that occur throughout the duration of a contract. It is a required form for different types of contracts. The forms are also filled out when shipments and freight routing are involved. If a contractor is awarded a contract, it is also required to fill out the form and send it to the contracting officer. Aside from this, it is also used for marking shipments and consolidating monthly transactions.

The form is administered under the authority of the Department of Defense, under 48 CFR Chapter 1 and 41 U.S.C. 421. For major defense acquisition programs, DoD 5000.2-R is the agency that grants authorization to execute contracts. Besides, there are other authorities, such as the Military Sealift Command, Defense Supply Center, and Air Mobility Command. These organizations all report the estimated value of their orders each fiscal year.

The form is available in PDF format. However, there is alternative PDF viewing software that can be used to view the content. Moreover, there are some fillable PDF files that allow you to save and send out the completed form. Some of the downloadable fillable forms are even editable, so you can modify the data if necessary.

DD Form 375C Example

DD Form 375C