DD Form 448-2 – Acceptance of MIPR

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 448-2 – Acceptance of MIPR – If you are interested in obtaining a MIPR, you should know that DD Form 448-2 is an official document that you will need to complete. It is very important that you understand how to use this form and that you fill it out correctly, as it could lead to a significant delay in your case.

Download DD Form 448-2 – Acceptance of MIPR

Form Number DD Form 448-2
Form Title Acceptance of MIPR
Edition Date 7/1/1971
File Size 55 KB

DD Form 448-2 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 448-2?

A Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request, or MIPR, is a document used by the Department of Defense to obtain goods and services from non-DoD organizations. This type of purchase request can order any item, including items from commercial sources.

The requesting agency is responsible for ensuring the purchase is compliant with DoD regulations. However, they must also ensure that the request is valid. If they have questions about the request, they should consult with the assisting agency’s contracting officer.

MIPRs can be classified into two categories, direct cite and reimbursable. Direct cite MIPRs require a copy of the contract award document.

For reimbursable MIPRs, the assisting agency is responsible for preparing a DD Form 448-2. It must be completed within 30 days of receipt of the requisition. Afterward, the RA/RM must submit the form to FMA.

Once the reimbursable MIPR is approved, the RA/RM will prepare a de-obligation memorandum. They will also maintain copies of all documentation related to the MIPR. In addition, they should consult with the Air Force contracting office to ensure that the MIPR is in the best interest of the government.

The MIPR Accounting Clerk will work with the RAs to prepare the proper de-obligation documents. In addition, the clerk will monitor the remaining balances.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 448-2?

If you are involved with the financial management of Air Force activities, you are probably aware of DD Form 448. This form is used by Air Force organizations to order and fund goods and services. It also helps monitor funding and expenditure rates for obligated funds.

If you need to know where to find a DD Form 448-2, there are several options. First, you can consult your contracting office. They can help you create a DD Form 448 in an automated system. You can also upload documents from your computer or the cloud.

The other option is to contact your base FMA office. They can help you work with DFAS to resolve any discrepancies.

Once you have a DD Form 448, you can use it to request services and purchase goods from outside DoD. For example, if a non-DoD federal agency sends a memo to your agency requesting a refund, you must include a specific appropriation authorizing advance payment.

Besides DD Form 448, you can find a number of other documents for managing your Air Force activities. These include the Selective Transaction History List (STHL), Open Document Listing (ODL), and management reports.

In addition, you can work with a Resource Advisor/Resource Manager to help you with intra-air force procurement. They can also assist you with other documentation as needed.

DD Form 448-2 – Acceptance of MIPR

Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs) is used by the Department of Defense to request goods and services from other DoD organizations. These types of requests are commonly known as DD Forms 448-2. The process is simple: a requesting agency sends a request to an assisting agency. If the request is accepted, the assisting agency must respond within 30 days.

Assisting agencies must complete a DD Form 448-2 and return it to the requesting agency. Once the DD Form 448-2 is received, the assisting agency will prepare a MIPR acceptance form. This document must be signed and dated before it is sent back to the requesting agency.

An assisting agency can supplement an RA/RM’s DD Form 448-2 by including additional support requirements. They can also request advance billing approval. However, these supplemental agreements should be approved before the advance payment is approved.

Before making any decisions, the assisting agency must consult their Resource Advisor/Manager. Also, they must review the required package. It must be compliant with the guide attachments and must have the necessary approvals from finance and the contracting office.

For direct citation MIPRs, the RA/RM must provide a copy of the contract award document to the PM. The RA/RM may also provide an Open Document List or a Selective Transaction History List.

DD Form 448-2 Example

DD Form 448-2