DD Form 455 – Report of Proceedings to Vacate Suspension of a Court-Martial Sentence

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 455 – Report of Proceedings to Vacate Suspension of a Court-Martial Sentence – The DD Form 455 is a document that is used to report proceedings in the state of Utah. It is used for many reasons, including the filing of a civil lawsuit against a company. This document can be obtained from a variety of places.

Download DD Form 455 – Report of Proceedings to Vacate Suspension of a Court-Martial Sentence

Form Number DD Form 455
Form Title Report of Proceedings to Vacate Suspension of a Court-Martial Sentence
Edition Date 1/14/2019
File Size 109 KB

DD Form 455 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 455?

The DA Form 455 is a little more than a mail and document registration form used by the United States Army. As a result, it is a little cluttered, but it has some important facets to it. Hence, it deserves to be a subject of study. If you are a military service member looking for the latest and greatest in military forms, here are some things you need to know.

The most important thing to remember is that the DD Form 455 is a controlled form. This means it is not permitted to be published on public-facing websites. In addition, the form is a black-and-white document that contains Top Secret information. For this reason, the contents of the form will be retained for at least two years. It is therefore important to take the time to read the entire form before submitting it.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 455?

The DA Form 455 is a military form that is used by the US Army to document the correspondence between the various commanding officers in their ranks. One of the most impressive things about this form is that it does the heavy lifting for you, so the task of filling out a form can be a hassle-free experience.

There is more to it than meets the eye. For instance, there is a slew of fancy-looking forms aimed at ensuring your military snoops never see a word of yours, but the drudgery of getting a hold of one is made much easier by the fact that you can download a free copy of the form from the army’s web site.

DD Form 455 – Report of Proceedings to Vacate Suspension of a Court-Martial Sentence

SS 872, UCMJ, governs the process of vacating a suspended sentence in a general court-martial. During the course of the proceedings, the applicant’s attorney may file exceptions to the Board’s decision and disciplinary counsel may file a disciplinary action that is considered an informal admonition. After the case has been transmitted to the Court of Criminal Appeals, the court will decide whether the adjudicator’s decision is correct in fact and law. The court will also determine whether the adjudicator’s decision was made in good faith. In some cases, the court will allow an additional period of time for filing exceptions.

A special court-martial convening authority held a hearing in March 2000. This hearing determined whether Miley had violated the suspension conditions. Afterward, the convening authority ordered a new vacation proceeding. Once the case was transferred to the Court of Criminal Appeals, the VACation HEARing OFFiciant argued that Miley’s sentence should be suspended, arguing that there was no evidence that he had violated the conditions of his suspension. Despite this, the court of criminal appeals vacated Miley’s sentence.

When a supplemental action is taken, Articles 66 and 67, UCMJ, will apply. An attorney will also be required to comply with section 14 of this rule. Generally, the attorney will need to provide reasons why the Board’s recommendation should not be vacated and to show that there is a substantial likelihood of success in the supplemental proceeding.

DD Form 455 Example

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