DD Form 460 – Provisional Pass

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 460 – Provisional Pass – The DD Form 460, otherwise known as the Provisional Pass, is a document that you must fill out if you want to apply for a driver’s license in your state. You can find a copy of this form online, or at your local post office. It is also available for download at the state’s motor vehicle website.

Download DD Form 460 – Provisional Pass

Form Number DD Form 460
Form Title Provisional Pass
Edition Date 3/1/1951
File Size 33 KB

DD Form 460 (0 downloads )

Where Can I Find a DD Form 460?

If you’re a military officer, you probably want to know where to find a DD Form 460. The official Department of Defense website has plenty of information about the DD Form 460, but you’ll also need to consult the guidance from your installation’s provost marshal and the field grade commander. Depending on your position, the filing dates may vary, but you’re likely to find the requisite paperwork somewhere around you.

There’s also a Department of Defense verification form you should check out. This is for applicants for naturalization and is the perfect place to look for the most pertinent facts about your military service.

DD Form 460 – Provisional Pass

When a soldier is issued a provisional pass, he needs to fill out DD Form 460. This form is used to facilitate a soldier’s return to his parent unit. The soldier must submit this form to his field grade commander, and the commander must then submit DA Form 4833 to his unit commander.

If a soldier is not on a provisional pass, he can still get an NP grade, but these grades do not count in his GPA. In addition, a PP grade cannot be calculated into GPACS. An NP grade is used for Pass/Fail courses, and there is no way to calculate these grades into a GPA.

To download a DD Form 460, you can visit the United States Department of Defense website. You can also search for an online library that contains the form.

DD Form 460 Example