DD Form 509 – Inspection Record of Prisoner in Segregation

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 509 – Inspection Record of Prisoner in Segregation – The DD Form 509 is a document used by the Department of Defense to record the inspection of a prisoner in a State or Territory. It has been in use for many years and is an important tool in determining whether a prisoner is worthy of release.

Download DD Form 509 – Inspection Record of Prisoner in Segregation

Form Number DD Form 509
Form Title Inspection Record of Prisoner in Segregation
Edition Date 11/3/2022
File Size 84 KB

DD Form 509 (2 downloads )

What is a DD Form 509?

The DD Form 509 is an administrative form used by the U.S. Army to manage prisoners. Its functions include informing prisoners of their rights, issuing basic supplies, and maintaining personal hygiene. In addition, it provides a physical inventory of the supplies that the prisoner receives each month.

Upon arrival at a new facility, the prisoner’s first contact occurs when they are introduced to the staff. They are then issued basic supplies, which include bath soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, safety razors, and postage stamps. This information is verified monthly, and the physical inventory is reconciled.

A newly confined prisoner must have a medical examination conducted within 24 hours of confinement. This examination is done by a medical officer. Depending on the availability of health care and dining facilities, the facility commander will determine the appropriate feeding method. These methods may include a diet-based program or a program that is based on individual needs.

During processing, a prisoner requests basic supplies from the facility. If they are in nonpay status, they will receive these supplies gratuitously. Prisoners in good conduct status can earn a rate of pay based on the length of their confinement.

The DD Form 509 is one of the hundreds of DoD forms that are used by the military. In addition, there are numerous other forms that are available in PDF format.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 509?

A DD Form 509 is not only a piece of paper with a sleeve; it is also a PDF document. It is not, however, the only means of getting your fee-paying hands inked. The Office of Personnel Management is also a good resource for tips and tricks on how to do it right. For example, you may have to pay the price of not doing it right the first time.

A DD Form 509 does not exist in a vacuum; there are several other DoD-themed forms that may suit your fancy. As a matter of fact, you may even be eligible for some of their benefits. However, you must also be a good citizen and comply with their stringent guidelines. To do so, you must sign up as an authorized fee-payer. Also, do your research on a reputable firm before signing on the dotted line.

It is also well worth your time to read up on the many available perks and perk programs. One such program is the Distinguished Service Award, which is awarded to individuals who have served with distinction during their careers. Another is the Exceptional Service Award, which is bestowed upon members of the military who are injured in combat. Applicants who have a 10% or higher VA rating are also in the running.

DD Form 509 Example

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