DD Form 562-1 – Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Washington Headquarters Service (WHS) Request for Information Technology (IT) Services

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 562-1 – Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Washington Headquarters Service (WHS) Request for Information Technology (IT) Services – The DD Form 562-1 is an important military form that has to be filed by anyone who has a legal obligation to do so. This form can be found on the website of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Whether you are a member of the Armed Forces, a retiree, or a family member of a person serving in the Armed Forces, you will need to fill out this form in order to keep your personal information safe.

Download DD Form 562-1 – Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Washington Headquarters Service (WHS) Request for Information Technology (IT) Services

Form Number DD Form 562-1 –
Form Title Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Washington Headquarters Service (WHS) Request for Information Technology (IT) Services
Edition Date 11/1/2002
File Size 60 KB

DD Form 562-1 (2 downloads )

What is a DD Form 562-1?

A DD Form 562-1 is a form used by military nurses to notify the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office that a change in personnel has occurred. It can be used for changes in the personnel of a single organization or a transfer within a multiple-facility organization. The form is detailed and has instructions for proper completion. In addition, the form provides a method of reinstating a clearance that was administratively terminated.

Military nurses must be familiar with immunization schedules, standing orders for administering immunizations, and the requirements for documenting exemptions. Additionally, they must be trained and properly certified. As of June 1, 1990, DD Form 48 forms will no longer be accepted. Rather, a revised DoD request for personnel security investigation (PSQ) is required. PSQ forms are also available from the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office.

Another form that military nurses should be aware of is the CDC Form 731. This form is required for documentation of the administration of yellow fever. Pregnancy screening of female accessions must be verified before live virus vaccines are administered. However, pregnancy testing is not necessary for vaccination against measles.

Regardless of the immunizations performed, military nurses must keep accurate records and act within their scope of practice. If a military nurse is unsure of the rules, policies, or procedures for a specific immunization, he or she should contact the military nursing division at the Defense Information Service (DIS).

Where Can I Find a DD Form 562-1?

A DD Form 562-1 is a three-part snap-out carbon form that’s used to complete a variety of tasks. In particular, it’s the “official” medical history report for Air Force personnel. Using it, DOs can track their personnel’s health history and present a more accurate case for recommended immunizations. It’s also a handy control copy for the DO to work with on progress reports. After all, a healthy airman is a happy airman!

The top part of the form features a plethora of certification blocks. There’s a slew of smaller, but equally important, blocks on the reverse side, but the smallest is probably the most impressive. From there, there’s the “biggest” block, the shortest of the small blocks, the shortest of the large blocks, and the longest of the large blocks.

DD Form 562-1 Example

DD Form 562-1