DD Form 573 – Shipping Inventory of Blood Products

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 573 – Shipping Inventory of Blood Products – A DD Form 573 is a shipping inventory form used for blood products. It helps hospitals keep track of the number of blood products shipped to patients.

Download DD Form 573 – Shipping Inventory of Blood Products

Form Number DD Form 573
Form Title Shipping Inventory of Blood Products
Edition Date 11/1/1981
File Size 563 KB

DD Form 573 (4 downloads )

What is a DD Form 573?

A DD Form 573 is a form used by the U.S. Army for contracts for classified and unclassified work. This form is also used by other contracting agencies for the same type of work. It was developed to give guidance to contractors regarding the handling of information associated with a classified or unclassified contract. The purpose of the form is to specify the actual performance location of the portion of a contractor’s work that is classified.

Whenever a contractor performs work at a Department facility, it is required that the contractor’s personnel have clearances commensurate with the level of access that they are required to have. In addition, there may be additional security requirements if the contractor works at a post that is a critical HUMINT threat.

Contractor personnel working at Department facilities must also be familiar with the information security regulations listed in the Foreign Affairs Manual. Likewise, contractor personnel working at Department posts abroad must consult with the General Services officer responsible for that post’s security element. These offices are the ones who have the authority to determine the level of clearance that a contractor’s personnel must have.

DD Form 254 is issued by the DS/IS/IND as part of the process of developing and approving a classified contract. During this process, DS/IS/IND coordinates the security requirements with the requesting office.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 573?

If you’re a military brat, you may have already heard of the DD Form 573. This acronym stands for the DoD’s Defense Department Form 573, but a closer look at the form reveals that it’s actually a plethora of other forms that have been released over the years. It isn’t difficult to get your hands on one of these spiffy pieces of that, if you’re willing to put forth a little effort. Fortunately, it’s also one of the most accessible documents in the department’s arsenal, and you can download it in PDF format for free. Of course, if you have a printer in your pocket, it’s a lot more fun to pore over the doc, especially if you’re the kind of person who likes to read the fine print.

DD Form 573 Example

DD Form 573