DD Form 61 – Request For Nomenclature

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 61 – Request For Nomenclature – The DD Form 61, otherwise known as Request for Nomenclature, is a form used for requesting information about the nomenclature of military personnel. This form is usually filled out when a person is transferring to another duty station, and the nomenclature is an important part of the transfer process. It also allows the department to determine the nomenclature of a particular military unit.

Download DD Form 61 – Request For Nomenclature

Form Number DD Form 61
Form Title Request For Nomenclature
Edition Date 8/1/1996
File Size 40 KB

DD Form 61 (2 downloads )

What is a DD Form 61?

If you’re looking to streamline your workflow, you may want to consider using a DD Form 61. This form is one of the hundreds of DoD forms available for download and use. You can download the form in PDF format, which you can save to a file on your hard drive, or you can share it with a friend. It’s also possible to print the form. However, you will need to double-check the fillable fields before you send it off.

Using the DA Form 61 is the best way to make sure that your military records are complete. The form has several sections, including Item 40, which is the main civilian employment category. There is also an area to request an acronym assignment. When completing the form, you should be aware that the DSCC will require you to enter a valid ZIP code and complete the address.

The form may not be available in electronic form, but you can obtain a hard copy from a military service forms management officer. Also, the DD Form 61 has a built-in hyperlink, which will take you to the appropriate webpage. As you can see, this is a great way to simplify high-volume document management.

Lastly, if you’re interested in a more technical explanation of the DA Form 61, the Uniformed Service will give you a few pieces of advice. They recommend that you create a copy of your application before you submit it. They will also not send you the original supporting documents, so it’s a good idea to keep a copy.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 61?

A DD Form 61 is one of many Department of Defense (DoD) forms. This form is a form of communication to the recipient of an application. The form contains the names, titles, and signatures of the appointing authority. These details are usually provided by the uniformed service when the request is made.

Using a Dd 61 template simplifies the process of high-volume document management. You will find that you can import the form from the cloud, a file, or your local machine. Also, you can share the form with other people. If you are using the form for internal purposes, you will need to double-check the fillable fields.

The form has a lot of information to fill out, so you should be prepared to take your time. Some of the form’s most important parts include the name and title of the appointing authority, the date and location of the appointment, and the system involved. Finally, you will need to provide official identification. When you are done, the form should be printed and signed.

You can get a copy of a DD 61 from the uniformed service or from your DoD component forms management officer. You can also download a PDF version of the form.

DD Form 61 – Request For Nomenclature

The DD Form 61 – Request For Nomenclature is used by the Department of Defense for requesting the nomenclature of items. It is one of the hundreds of DoD forms. These are controlled forms, meaning that they cannot be published on public-facing websites. Using a template simplifies high-volume document management.

The request for nomenclature should include information on the type of equipment to be designated. This can be selected according to its purpose, characteristics, and location. In addition, it should provide the name of the originator and its address. Also, it should indicate any previous type designations.

Once you have completed the form, you must electronically sign it. You can then save and print it. If you need to modify the form, you can do so by editing it. However, you must double-check the fillable fields.

The DD Form 61 is a military form that was introduced on August 1, 1996. It was created by the U.S. War Department, which was responsible for developing the Joint Electronic Type Designation System (JETDS). JETS was formalized in 1957 as MIL-STD-196. Since then, it has been used by all of the military services. Currently, the US government’s BINCS database assigns CAGE code 80058 to JETDS items.

The DD Form 61 is available in PDF format. You can also import it into the cloud using a link. Alternatively, you can ask for a hard copy from a military service forms management officer.

DD Form 61 Example

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