DD Form 67 – Form Processing Action Request

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 67 – Form Processing Action Request – The DD Form 67 is a form that is used by the US Department of Defense to process a request for action. It is used to provide information about an individual to the government agency, which in turn will be able to make an assessment of the person’s abilities and determine the appropriate steps to take. This information will then be sent to the person who is requesting the action.

Download DD Form 67 – Form Processing Action Request

Form Number DD Form 67
Form Title Form Processing Action Request
Edition Date 5/1/2016
File Size 53 KB

DD Form 67 (11 downloads )

What is a DD Form 67?

A DD Form 67, also known as a Form Processing Action Request, is a DoD form that can be used to request changes and updates to a DoD form. This is done by initiating the form through the component forms management officer. The DoD FMO approves the form, which is then introduced into component forms inventories. Alternatively, a draft of the form can be submitted to the FMO for review.

The action request must be as close to the final form as possible. Typically, this includes a list of the required data elements. If a draft of the form is received, the FMO will approve it and forward it to the Forms Designer for further development and revision. When the final draft is completed, it will be uploaded to the DoD Forms Management Program (DFMP) website.

In some cases, a component may need more than one DD Form 67 for an adopted form. For this reason, it is important to contact the Forms Management Officer for the DoD component responsible for the draft. They will help to establish the appropriate number of forms.

Upon completion of the DD Form 67, it must be signed by all adopting components. It must also be dated. Also, it must show that the adopted form has been cleared for use by each component.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 67?

There are many websites online that offer free or low-cost dd form 67 fillable PDF templates for download. This form is used for a variety of purposes, from a request for a revision to a new DoD form to requesting a cancellation of a DoD form.

The dd form 67 is a complex document to put together, and the most effective way to do it is to hire a professional service provider. They will handle the task with care and ensure the form is accurate and compliant.

One way to get the job done is to use an online signature provider such as sign now. With its user-friendly interface and plethora of features, this online signature solution offers businesses a comprehensive set of tools to create a legally enforceable document, sign it, and store it safely and securely.

In addition to providing a one-stop shop for all of your document needs, sign now is easy to use and allows you to work on it with virtually any device. Whether you’re using a PC, Mac, mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, sign now has you covered.

With sign now, you can create a custom-tailored form in no time. Not only can you easily edit and customize it, but you can add fields to the form to make it even more specific to your needs.

DD Form 67 – Form Processing Action Request

The DD Form 67 (or Form Processing Action Request) is used to request changes or modifications to a Department of Defense (DoD) form. It is signed by an approving official. In order to obtain the required signatures, the approving official must be a Directorate or Office level official.

The DD Form 67 is also used to request the cancellation of a DoD form. If the form is canceled, the required document must be modified to reflect the new cancellation date. An MFR is also included in the DD Form 67 package.

The approving official is responsible for evaluating the use case and the design of the form. After approving the use case, the approving official will send the form to the Market/DHR/SSO LFO. This is to ensure that the LFO can verify the cancellation.

The LFO will confirm the cancellation and remove the form from the Forms Library. When the form is ready for coordination, the IMCO officers or liaisons at the Market/Region/DHR/SSO level will make a determination. IMCOs should make their determination within 5 business days.

The DD Form 67 is reviewed by the DoD Component Forms Management Officer or FMO. A memo is produced. Upon completion of the review process, the DoD Component FMO will approve the DD Form 67.

DD Form 67 Example

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