DD Form 689 – Individual Sick Slip

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 689 – Individual Sick Slip – When you want to apply for your own sick leave, you’ll need to complete a DD Form 689. This form is used by employees who need to take time off for personal reasons, and it is usually attached to the employee’s pay stub. If you need to file this form, it is important to make sure that you know what it is and how to use it properly.

Download DD Form 689 – Individual Sick Slip

Form Number DD Form 689
Form Title Individual Sick Slip
Edition Date 8/1/2017
File Size 45 KB

DD Form 689 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 689?

The DD Form 689 is a document that is used in conjunction with the Armed Forces Application for Federal Employment. This form is issued to military members who are kept from work due to illness. It serves as proof of the patient’s illness, as well as evidence of communication between Army Medical Department (AMEDD) personnel and the unit commander.

AMEDD personnel can issue a DD Form 689 when a patient requests evaluation at an Army military treatment facility. A confinement officer can also issue a DD Form 689 to a patient.

When military member becomes ill, they present themselves to medical personnel, who determine whether the member should be kept from work. If the medical personnel think the patient should be kept from work, the member is classified as “sick in quarters” for a designated period. During this time, a military member is not allowed to return to work or perform any other type of duty.

The DD Form 689 can be completed in three sections. First, the patient must select an illness. Next, they must provide additional information about their condition. Finally, they must request that the MTF provide specific care. After the military member has completed their request, they must sign the document.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 689?

If you have a lumbosacral strain, are under a military restriction, or are receiving medical treatment at an Army Medical Treatment Facility (AMTF), you may be required to fill out a DD Form 689. This form is often referred to as the Individual Sick Slip.

The form is designed to give the appropriate Army Medical Department (AMEDD) personnel an overview of a patient’s condition. There are three sections to the form: the “Disposition of Patient” block, the “Sick Bay” block, and the “Remarks” block.

The “Remarks” block is where you should explain any special circumstances surrounding your condition. In addition to the usual non-battle-related injuries and illnesses, you should also provide any information regarding the patient’s functional abilities. For example, if the patient cannot lift more than 15 pounds, you should provide an explanation in this section.

One of the easiest ways to fill out the form is to use an online service. Once you create an account, you can choose the “Dd form 689” template and customize it to your liking. After setting up a secure password, you can upload your completed document to your cloud or device. You can also sign it using an electronic signature service like SignNow.

DD Form 689 – Individual Sick Slip

The DD Form 689 – Individual Sick Slip is a document that is issued to patients visiting Army medical treatment facilities. This form consists of three parts, each one of which is designed to give the recipient useful information.

The first part of this document is the most basic. It contains the basic medical details of the patient. For example, a soldier suffering from a broken ankle will need to include the injury itself, the date of injury, the location, and a description of the injury.

The second section is a summary of the patient’s limitations. For instance, a military member who has been hospitalized will be automatically suspended from performing special duties. In addition to a description of the injuries, the soldier’s commander should indicate whether the military member is physically able to perform full duty.

Lastly, the “Remarks” block is a must-have. This block is the most important part of the form. It should include a brief explanation of the patient’s “Existing Prior To Service” (EPTS) and any conditions that might make the patient unable to perform military duty.

Using this DD Form 689, the patient should be able to explain the limitations of their condition to their commander. Similarly, the unit commander should be able to use the form to inform AMEDD personnel about the patient’s condition.

DD Form 689 Example

DD Form 689