DD Form 93 – Record of Emergency Data

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 93 – Record of Emergency Data – The DD Form 93 is a form used by military personnel to keep a record of any emergency that has occurred in their military unit. It is also the form that the Army uses to keep track of the number of people in the unit in case of a disaster.

Download DD Form 93 – Record of Emergency Data

Form Number DD Form 93
Form Title Record of Emergency Data
Edition Date 1/1/2008
File Size 327 KB

DD Form 93 (10 downloads )

What is a DD Form 93?

DD Form 93, or the Record of Emergency Data, is a document that can be used to designate a number of useful details about you. For instance, it can be used to inform you about your most important assets. Moreover, it can be used to provide emergency contact details about you and your family.

The most important thing about this document is that it can help you find out how you can protect the most important people in your life. As a service member, you should be aware that your loved ones’ health and welfare are in the hands of others. So, it’s up to you to ensure that you provide the proper documentation about your family. In this regard, a reoccurring calendar reminder is in order.

You should also consider updating your DD 93 from time to time. For example, if you have a new spouse or child, update your form. Your leaders should be able to assist you with this task.

A good record of your neophyte status can only be a good thing. This is because, if you die in the service of your country, you have a pretty good chance of being awarded the highest honors and you want to be remembered for all the right reasons.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 93?

If you are in the military, chances are you will need to fill out a DD Form 93. It is a form used by the Army to designate beneficiaries and emergency contacts in case of death.

The form asks for the service member’s name, current position, date of birth, marital status, and relationship to the designated person. You can also indicate whether you want the person to receive a percentage of your death gratuity.

You can also add a spouse, children, parents, or a parent-in-law to the list of beneficiaries. However, you should make sure that you update the document once you experience a life event.

If you are a civilian, you may also choose to create your own DD Form 93. Typically, you’ll need to fill out just one page.

This form is often known as a record of emergency data (RED). It is used to help provide information about the next of kin and other people who can assist you during an emergency.

In addition to naming a beneficiary, you can also state that you do not want to be notified if you suffer severe injury or illness. However, you will still be required to sign the form.

It is important to make sure that you are aware of how your SGLI or DD 93 benefits are different from your personal assets. If you are unsure, you can check the vMPF website to learn more.

DD Form 93 – Record of Emergency Data

A DD Form 93 – Record of Emergency Data is a document that is used to designate beneficiaries for certain perks and benefits. It is also a document that is applicable to all service members. The form was developed by the Department of Homeland Security to aid in preventing fraud.

It is a good idea to check your SGLI at least once a year. This is to ensure that your beneficiary documents are up to date. However, you might want to consider increasing your insurance coverage. In the event that you are the subject of a claim, your SGLI is your first line of defense.

It is not uncommon for Soldiers to die unexpectedly. Fortunately, there are a number of programs in place that provide cash payments to help meet the immediate financial needs of survivors. These programs include the Death Gratuity Program, which makes a special tax-free payment of $100,000 to eligible survivors.

Other notable programs include the Military Family Care Plan, which provides health and life insurance to spouses and children of active duty service members. Another program is the Enhanced Family Health System, which provides a number of services including prenatal care, cancer treatment, and maternity services.

If you are considering incorporating a Family Care Plan, you may also want to add a DD Form 93 – Record of emergency data to your arsenal. You should also make sure to update the document as often as you can.

DD Form 93 Example

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