DD Form 1149 – Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document

DDFORMS.ORGDD Form 1149 – Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document – DD Form 1149 is a form used to declare special handling charges for shipments. This document must be filled out with details such as the number of shipping containers and the type of container used. Make sure you print out a copy of this document for your records. If you do not, you might not be able to retrieve it in the future.

Download DD Form 1149 – Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document

Form Number DD Form 1149
Form Title Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document
Edition Date 1/1/2016
File Size 185 KB

DD FORM 1149 (27 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1149?

A DD Form 1149 is an inventory control document used to track and document Department of Defense assets. It documents accountability transfers and must be documented per FAR Parts 45 and 52. When transferring responsibility for a contract, the gaining contract must also be modified to reflect the new contract ownership.

This document is used for transferring and shipping government property. The receiving address and shipping address must be specified. There is also a section for special handling charges. The form has to be signed before shipment can begin. The DD Form 1149 is available on the Department of Defense’s documentation website or through a chain of command.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1149?

If you need a DD Form 1149, you should know where to find one. The form is a PDF file and can be filled in with a PDF editor. To complete the form, you can type in a text, insert an image, and then sign and submit it.

A DD Form 1149 is a document that must be signed before shipping materials. It must include the shipping address, shipping method, and total weight. This form is typically used when government property is being shipped or transferred. The DD 1149 can be downloaded from the Department of Defense documentation website or requested through your chain of command.

The purpose of this document is to ship and deliver serialized parts to locations specified by the Government. The Contractor is required to provide the serial number of each serialized part shipped to the destination. With DCMA’s approval, the Contractor can make early deliveries or ship to specified locations.

DD Form 1149 – Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document

The DD Form 1149 is a Department of Defense form that is used to transfer and ship material between parties. It requires specific information regarding the requisition and the shipping address. It also requires the names of the sender and the recipient.

When completing the Do DD Form 1149, the shipper or receiver must fill out all relevant information. The form also requires that the receiver sign and certify the document. A copy of this document must be kept by the shipper and the receiver.

DD Form 1149 Example

DD Form 1149