DD Form 1219 – Bituminous Mix Curves

DDFORMS.ORGDD Form 1219 – Bituminous Mix Curves – What is a DD Form 1219? And where can I find one? In this article, you’ll learn about this form, and learn where to find it. You’ll also learn about Bituminous Mix Curves, which is a subset of DD Form 1219.

Download DD Form 1219 – Bituminous Mix Curves

Form Number DD Form 1219
Form Title Bituminous Mix Curves
Edition Date 12/1/1965
File Size 689 KB

DD FORM 1219 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 1219?

A DD Form 1219 is a monthly account statement that is prepared by the finance officer of a government agency. This report summarizes the financial status of a federal agency’s assets and liabilities. The form is filed with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Indianapolis, and is usually due at the end of each calendar month. It contains information that pertains to a federal agency’s fund balance with Treasury. Collections increase the account balance, while disbursements reduce it. This report also includes an SF 1081 form that is used for processing adjustments.

In addition to the balance, this report also outlines how much accountability each account holder has received during the period. Line 2.1 lists the account holder’s net total checks, and includes checks drawn on the U.S. Treasury and limited depository accounts. It also includes transfers from other D.Os.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1219?

If you are a finance officer, you should be familiar with the DD Form 1219, or the Statement of Accountability, a monthly financial statement. This statement is transmitted to the Bureau of Fiscal Service each month by domestic disbursing officers. The form reports on the various transactions the company processes to support its operations. It also contains the 8-digit Agency Location Codes, which identify each transaction.

The form is normally due to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) in Indianapolis, Indiana. It is required to be submitted for each DSSN and should be submitted by the end of the calendar month. The format is usually PDF and requires a signature. Once completed, the form can be printed, signed, and returned to the disbursing office in person or by U.S. mail. It is not possible to submit the form electronically due to its nature.

DD Form 1219 Example

DD Form 1219