DD Form 1266 – Request for Special Hauling Permit

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1266 – Request for Special Hauling Permit – A DD Form 1266 is a type of military form. It is used to apply for a special hauling permit. You may need one if you want to haul large amounts of items. The form can be completed online, and you can use an online editor to make changes. You can also save and send the document electronically. Using an online editor, you can fill out and submit the form from anywhere.

Download DD Form 1266 – Request for Special Hauling Permit

Form Number DD Form 1266
Form Title Request for Special Hauling Permit
Edition Date 9/1/1998
File Size 66 KB

DD FORM 1266 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1266?

A DD Form 1266 is used for special hauling permits for oversize and overweight vehicles. It must be submitted in duplicate along with a letter of transmittal at least ten (10) days before the move. The letter should include a detailed itinerary and an explanation of the movement. The letter must be provided to the Department of Defense at least five days before the date of movement.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1266?

A DD Form 1266 is required for special hauling permits. The document is required for oversize and overweight vehicles traveling separately. It must be submitted in duplicate along with a letter of transmittal. This letter must be sent at least ten (10) working days before the date of movement and should include a detailed itinerary and explanation of the movement. You may submit more than one DD Form to the Department of Defense.

DD Form 1266 – Request for Special Hauling Permit

A Request for Special Hauling Permit on DOD Form 1266 is a document used to apply for a permit to move oversize/overweight vehicles. It can be used for individual movements as well as convoy movements. It must be completed in duplicate. A letter of transmittal is also required ten (10) working days before the move. This letter must be in writing and contain the entire itinerary and explanation of the movement. Typically, one (1) letter of transmittal is required for multiple DD Forms.

DD Form 1266 Example

DD Form 1266