DD Form 1348-8 – DoD MILSPETS: DFSP Inventory Accounting Document and End-of-Month Report

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 1348-8 – DoD MILSPETS: DFSP Inventory Accounting Document and End-of-Month Report – Are you wondering what a DD Form 1348-8 is? And where can you find a copy of it? Read on for some useful information on this important form. This document is used by the Defense Logistics Agency for a variety of purposes. For example, it can be used for tracking serialized items. It is used to record the serial number of the item in the shipment.

Download DD Form 1348-8 – DoD MILSPETS: DFSP Inventory Accounting Document and End-of-Month Report

Form Number DD Form 1348-8
Form Title DoD MILSPETS: DFSP Inventory Accounting Document and End-of-Month Report
Edition Date 7/1/2006
File Size  1 MB

DD FORM 1348-8 (10 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1348-8?

DD Form 1348-1A is the directive for the release of stock or cover documents for a line item. The purpose of the form is to notify the designated FMS freight forwarder that the material has been released for export or is ready for shipment. The form is required for all shipments between DoD and foreign military sales and contractors.

DD Form 1348-1A can be prepared manually or mechanically. Both forms are 8-1/2 inches long by five-1/2 inches high. They are designed to be printed on plain stock paper with one-fourth-inch margins. The DD form number must be legible.

DD Form 1348-1A and DD Form 1348-2 must accompany the property being shipped. The form must be legible so that it can be read by DLA Disposition Services Field Offices.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1348-8?

If you need to fill out a DD Form 1348-8, you can use an online tool that allows you to easily download it and fill it out. This free downloadable document comes in various formats, including a preprinted form and a blank one. The blank form is eight and a half inches long and five and a half inches wide. It can be printed on plain stock paper or with a nonimpact printer. The PDF file you download can also be edited to add text, pictures, checkmarks, icons, and more. It also has the option to share the document through email.

The DD Form 1348-1A and DD Form 1348-2 are used to document disposals through DLA Disposition Services Field Offices. Both forms must be filled out legibly and contain the necessary data. The DD Form 1348-1A can be filled out with a typewriter or automated printer, but it can also be completed by hand or by a scribe. The form is only valid if it has the proper data elements.

DD Form 1348-8 – DoD MILSPETS: DFSP Inventory Accounting Document and End-of-Month Report

The DoD MILSPETS program provides a comprehensive inventory management system. This system is a vital part of maintaining security for DoD installations. It is responsible for compiling and receiving reports, invoices, and related documents. It also provides a summary of the program’s activities and plans.

DD Form 1348-8 Example

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