DD Form 1390 – FY ____ Military Construction Program

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1390 – FY ____ Military Construction Program – The DD Form 1390, FY Military Construction Program is a program that provides funds for the construction of military facilities. The program is funded by the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. The program is administered by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Download DD Form 1390 – FY ____ Military Construction Program

Form Number DD Form 1390 –
Form Title FY ____ Military Construction Program
Edition Date 7/1/1999
File Size 46 KB

What is a DD Form 1390?

A DD Form 1390 is a document that is used to request funding for a construction project from the United States Department of Defense. The form is used to request both new construction and renovation projects.

The form must be completed and submitted by the deadline in order to be considered for funding. It is important to note that the Department of Defense does not fund all projects that are submitted, and priority is given to those projects that are deemed necessary for the safety of troops or the mission of the military.

If your project is approved, you will be notified and given a specific amount of time to complete the work. Once the work is completed, you will need to submit a final report detailing the cost of the project and how it was completed.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1390?

The DD Form 1390 is the Department of Defense’s (DOD) standard form for requesting and authorizing construction projects. The form is used to request funding for new construction, repair, or alteration of existing buildings or facilities.

The DD Form 1390 is available on the DOD’s website. The form can be found by searching for “DD Form 1390” in the search bar on the website. Once the form is found, it can be downloaded and completed.

The completed DD Form 1390 must be submitted to the DOD for approval before construction can begin. The DOD will review the form and determine if the project is necessary and if funding is available. If approved, construction can then proceed.

DD Form 1390 – FY ____ Military Construction Program

The DD Form 1390 is the Military Construction Program for FY ____. This program provides funding for construction projects that support the mission of the Department of Defense. The projects funded by this program include facilities for training, research, and operations, as well as infrastructure improvements such as roads, bridges, and utilities.

DD Form 1390 Example

DD Form 1390

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