DD Form 1692C – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Continuation Page, (Instructions)

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 1692C – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Continuation Page, (Instructions) – A DD Form 1692C is a document that specifies the details of an Engineering Change Proposal. This form is part of the OMB 0704-0188 regulation. It is a mandatory document for any company that needs to change the design of a vehicle or make improvements to one. This document contains a description of the defect and the parts that are affected. It also specifies the name of the lowest part or assembly that is affected.

Download DD Form 1692C – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Continuation Page, (Instructions)

Form Number DD Form 1692C
Form Title Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Continuation Page, (Instructions)
Edition Date 5/1/2015
File Size 35 KB

DD FORM 1692C (0 downloads )

The RFD/RFW must include all details relating to the requirement. This document also contains the date, procuring activity number, DODAAC, and originator’s name and address. Block 4a must include the name and address of the contractor and block 4b should include the name of the Government activity.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1692C?

The DDS (Defense Department Documents and Data Systems) website contains a collection of directives, instructions, and publications that can be viewed online. Although it does not include the forms themselves, it contains the information that you will need to complete the document. The document also provides instructions on how to edit it.

DD Form 1692C – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Continuation Page, (Instructions)

DD Form 1692C, or the Engineering Change Proposal, is a short form that must be used to propose a change to a configuration. This form was issued by the Department of Defense (DOD) in April 2016 and outlines the uniform requirements for preparing an Engineering Change Proposal. It is part of the EIA-649-B Configuration Management Standard.

An Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) describes a proposed change and how to implement it. An ECP should be submitted to the correct DND for approval. The document also identifies its intended use. The ECP may be submitted in conjunction with a Notice of Revision (DIRL-80639C) or a DI-SESS-81880.

The Government is required to approve any ECP before the change can be implemented. The Government Configuration Control Board must approve the change before it can be implemented. The change can’t be implemented until the government approves it and issues a supplemental agreement. However, this does not mean that the contractor is authorized to implement the change.

DD Form 1692C Example

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