DD Form 175-1 – Flight Weather Briefing

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 175-1 – Flight Weather Briefing – Pilots flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) must obtain a weather briefing prior to flight. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that pilots use the DD Form 175-1 to request this briefing.

The form is available from Flight Service Stations (FSS), Automated Flight Service Stations (AFSS), and online. The completed form is faxed or emailed to the FSS, who will provide the briefing.

Download DD Form 175-1 – Flight Weather Briefing

Form Number DD Form 175-1
Form Title Flight Weather Briefing
Edition Date 10/1/2002
File Size 108 KB

What is a DD Form 175-1?

If you’re a pilot in the United States Air Force, then you’re probably familiar with the DD Form 175-1. But what is it, exactly?

The DD Form 175-1 is a flight weather briefing. It’s a form that’s used by pilots to request weather information before a flight. The form is used to request information about the current weather conditions, as well as the forecasted weather for the planned route of flight.

The DD Form 175-1 is a useful tool for pilots because it helps them to make informed decisions about whether or not to fly in certain conditions. It also helps pilots to plan their flights around potential adverse weather conditions.

So, if you’re a pilot in the Air Force, be sure to familiarize yourself with the DD Form 175-1. It could come in handy on your next flight!

Where Can I Find a DD Form 175-1?

If you need a DD Form 175-1, you can find it online or through your local military office. The form is used to request a flight weather briefing, and it must be submitted at least 72 hours prior to the flight. The form is available in PDF format, and it can be filled out and submitted electronically.

DD Form 175-1 – Flight Weather Briefing

A DD Form 175-1 is a flight weather briefing that is used by the United States Air Force. This form is used to provide information on the weather conditions that will be encountered during a flight. The form is divided into two sections, the first section is for en route weather conditions and the second section is for destination weather conditions.

The DD Form 175-1 must be prepared by a certified meteorologist or meteorological technician. The form must be completed no less than three hours prior to departure and must be updated as necessary. The form must be signed by the pilot in command prior to departure.

DD Form 175-1 Example

DD Form 175-1

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