DD Form 1750 – Packing List

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1750 – Packing List – A DD Form 1750 is a packing list that is used by the military. It is a very detailed list that includes everything that should be packed in a military container. The form is divided into sections, and each section has a different purpose. The first section is for general items, the second section is for clothing and individual equipment, the third section is for tools and equipment, the fourth section is for ammunition, and the fifth section is for miscellaneous items.

Download DD Form 1750 – Packing List

Form Number DD Form 1750
Form Title Packing List
Edition Date 9/1/1970
File Size 494 KB

DD FORM 1750 (74 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1750?

A DD Form 1750 is a packing list that is used by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). The form is used to list the contents of a shipment, and it includes information such as the type and quantity of items being shipped.

The DD Form 1750 is a fillable PDF, which means that it can be completed electronically. The form must be signed and dated by an authorized representative of the DOD before it can be used.

The DD Form 1750 is available on the DOD website, and it can also be obtained from local military offices or installations.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1750?

The Department of Defense (DoD) Form 1750, otherwise known as the Packing List, is a document used to inventory and track the contents of shipments. The form is available online through the DoD website, or through third-party websites that offer government forms.

The DoD site offers two versions of the form: a fillable PDF and a printable PDF. The fillable PDF can be completed online and then printed out, while the printable PDF must be downloaded, completed offline, and then printed out.

Once the form is complete, it should be attached to the shipment being sent. This will allow anyone handling the shipment to easily see what is inside and check off items as they are packed or unpacked.

DD Form 1750 – Packing List

The DD Form 1750 is a packing list that is used by the Department of Defense. This form is used to list the contents of each container that is being shipped. The form must be completed and signed by the shipper before the shipment can be made.

The DD Form 1750 must include the following information:

  • The name and address of the shipper
  • The name and address of the recipient
  • A description of the contents of each container
  • The weight and dimensions of each container
  • The date of shipment failure to complete this form may result in delays or even rejection of your shipment.

DD Form 1750 Example

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