DD Form 1918 – Federal Wage System – Establishment Information

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1918 – Federal Wage System – Establishment Information – DD Form 1918 is a federal Wage System establishment document. It is used by federal employees and government contractors to document their salaries and taxes. There are certain requirements and restrictions in terms of the form, such as the employee must be on the federal Wage System and must have a valid Social Security Number.

Download DD Form 1918 – Federal Wage System – Establishment Information

Form Number DD Form 1918
Form Title Federal Wage System – Establishment Information
Edition Date 7/1/2009
File Size 79 KB

DD FORM 1918 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1918?

DD Form 1918 is an official military form issued by the United States Department of Defense. It is used to document and verify military service. It can also be used to make a request for an undeleted copy of a separate document. This form can be used to replace an un-prepared DD Form 214, and it can be used to request a copy for a third party. It can be used for any official purpose.

It is a good idea to have a copy of the DD Form 1918 in your file. It should be printed and kept in a safe place, but it should never be deleted. Occasionally, the Department of Army will place special additional information on the form. You should always take the time to read your DD Form 1918 and learn all you can. This document is important to you, and to your family. You can use it to get benefits, and you may even need it if you wish to join the Veterans of Foreign Wars. You will be glad you took the time to read it.

The DD Form 214 isn’t the only document to be “in the book.” You may also need to fill out an Establishment Information Form and Wage Data Collection Continuum Continuum Form.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1918?

The Federal Wage System (FWS) is a pay scale system that covers federal civilian employees. The FWS was established by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to standardize wage rates for federal jobs across the country. The FWS consists of four grades, with each grade having 10 steps. The grade and step an employee is in determine their hourly wage rate. In order to be placed in a grade and step, employees must go through a process called “wage schedule establishment.

The DD Form 1918 must be completed by the employer and submitted to the local wage-fixing authority, which is usually the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division office that covers the area where the FWS position is located. The local wage-fixing authority will review the form and determine the appropriate pay rate for the position.

DD Form 1918 – Federal Wage System – Establishment

DD Form 1918 – Federal Wage System – Establishment is used to set pay for employees within the Federal Wage System (FWS). The pay plan is a set of payment plans that set the rate of pay for all employees in a specific geographic area. The Federal Wage System covers blue-collar workers who are paid by the hour. These employees are also included in the wage grade system.

In order to establish pay for an employee, the lead agency must issue regular and supervisory regular wage schedules for the local wage area. The wage schedules must have a single effective date for all employees in the local wage area. The wage schedules will show the pay for all grades, including the pay for all nonsupervisory employees. A pay schedule may also include special pay rates to address recruitment and retention issues. These rates will also address regulatory requirements. In addition, the lead agency is authorized to pay employees who are paid on a basis other than an hourly rate.

The lead agency is also authorized to pay employees the environmental differential pay (EDP) in addition to the regular wage. The pay schedules will show the EDP rate in addition to the regular rates. The pay schedules may also include premium pay.

DD Form 1918 Example

DD Form 1918