DD Form 2062 – Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Outside CONUS)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2062 – Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Outside CONUS) – The DD Form 2062, also known as the Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains, is an important document for servicemembers who die outside of the continental United States (CONUS). It serves as a record for the necessary arrangements to be made for these servicemember’s remains. This form is used by all branches of the U.S. military, and must be completed as soon as possible upon death or discovery of remains.

Download DD Form 2062 – Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Outside CONUS)

Form Number DD Form 2062
Form Title Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Outside CONUS)
Edition Date 4/1/1984
File Size 176 KB

DD FORM 2062 (8 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2062?

A DD Form 2062, also known as a Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Outside CONUS), is a document used by the U.S. Department of Defense to record information regarding the preparation and disposition of human remains outside the Continental United States (CONUS). This form is typically completed by mortuary personnel at air or port of entry locations, mortuaries, hospitals, or healthcare facilities. The form must be completed within three hours after the arrival of the remains in order to ensure that all relevant information has been collected.

The DD Form 2062 contains several areas for collecting essential data such as name and rank/rate/grade of a deceased individual; a place where the death occurred; date and time death was reported; cause or manner of death; if applicable, whether autopsy required; a location where the body will be prepared for burial or cremation; shipping instructions for final disposition; signature blocks for various personnel who have worked on the case including embalmers and officers in charge at each port involved in transfer from point to point. All entries on the form must include clear supporting documentation such as autopsy reports and medical examination records. It is important to note that this form can only be used for individuals whose service connection has been established during their lifetime.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2062?

The DD Form 2062 is a form that is used by the United States military to document the preparation and disposition of the remains of personnel who died while stationed outside of the continental United States. The form is usually filled out by a mortuary officer or funeral director. It must be completed before any arrangements are made for transporting the deceased back to their home state or family.

The DD Form 2062 can be found on the Department of Defense website, under “Forms” in the “Publications and Forms” section. A search for “DD Form 2062” will bring up a page where users can download either a PDF version or a fillable version of the form. In addition, it can also be found on many other websites related to military forms, such as ddforms.org.

In order to complete this form, it is important to have information about where and when the death occurred, as well as personal details about the deceased such as name, rank, date of birth, and Social Security number (if applicable). Once completed, copies should be sent to appropriate agencies such as Casualty Assistance Offices and Military Mortuary Affairs offices so that they may begin making arrangements for transport if necessary.

DD Form 2062 – Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Outside CONUS)

The DD Form 2062 is an official document used to record the preparation and disposition of remains (outside CONUS). It is typically filled out by a mortuary officer for those who are deceased outside of the continental United States. The form details information such as their Social Security number, military rank, name, date of death, location, and cause of death, as well as any other pertinent information related to the incident.

Additionally, it provides instructions on how to prepare and transport the remains. It also includes a section that lists all individuals involved in the preparation and disposition process including funeral directors and medical personnel. This form provides a valuable resource for families dealing with the loss of a loved one overseas so that they can ensure that all necessary steps have been taken in order to bring their loved one home safely.

DD Form 2062 Example

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