DD Form 2138 – Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2138 – Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records – When it comes to transferring medical records, it is important to ensure that all of the necessary documents are properly filed and transferred. DD Form 2138, also known as the Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records, serves as an important tool in the process of moving your medical records from one facility to another. This form is used by Department of Defense (DoD) personnel and helps streamline the transfer process.

Download DD Form 2138 – Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records

Form Number DD Form 2138
Form Title Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records
Edition Date 1/1/1978
File Size 42 KB

DD FORM 2138 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2138?

DD Form 2138 is a form issued by the United States Department of Defense (DOD) and used to request the transfer of outpatient medical records. This form is required when a person leaves one military facility and needs their records transferred to another, or when they are discharged from active duty service and need their records sent to their new provider. The form must be completed by both the patient and then signed off by an authorized official at the current facility. It contains information such as name, Social Security number, date of birth, active duty status, and other personal data that will aid in transferring medical records between facilities. In addition, it requires listing an address where the recipient (the receiving facility) can send or receive any documents or hard copies associated with the record transfer. DD Form 2138 does not include clinical information; instead, it serves as authorization for access to the patient’s medical files. Upon completion, it should be delivered directly to the releasing (sending) facility via mail or faxed securely into their system.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2138?

The DD Form 2138, Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records, is used to request the transfer of a patient’s outpatient records from one provider or facility to another. The form must be completed and signed by the patient or their legal representative before it can be submitted. It can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense website, which provides all the necessary information to download and print it out.

Alternatively, individuals may also contact their local military treatment facility (MTF) to request a copy of the form in person or by phone. Additionally, some MTFs may also have copies available at their reception desks for patients who are unable to download and print them out. Finally, individuals may also contact their healthcare provider directly as they may already have copies of this form available in their office for use when transferring medical records between providers.

DD Form 2138 – Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records

DD Form 2138 is used to request the transfer of outpatient medical records from one provider to another. This form should be completed by a patient or their representative, such as a parent or guardian, and submitted with all relevant information to the appropriate medical facility that holds the records in question. Before completing this form, it is important to obtain any necessary authorization forms from both providers for the transfer of records. Once filled out completely and signed by all parties involved, DD Form 2138 can be faxed, emailed, or mailed directly to the requesting provider’s office along with any accompanying documents. Upon successful submission of DD Form 2138, an acknowledgment letter will typically be sent back informing you that your request has been received and is currently being processed. Patients may also contact either provider directly if they have additional questions regarding their request for the transfer of outpatient records.

DD Form 2138 Example

DD Form 2138