DD Form 2217 – Biological Audiometer Calibration Check

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2217 – Biological Audiometer Calibration Check – Audiometers are essential medical instruments used to assess a patient’s hearing. To ensure accurate results, the audiometer must be calibrated regularly. The DD Form 2217 is an important tool for calibrating a biological audiometer and ensuring accuracy. This article provides an overview of the process for using the DD Form 2217 to verify the calibration of a biological audiometer.

Download DD Form 2217 – Biological Audiometer Calibration Check

Form Number DD Form 2217
Form Title Biological Audiometer Calibration Check
Edition Date 1/1/2000
File Size 1 MB

DD FORM 2217 (2 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2217?

DD Form 2217, Biological Audiometer Calibration Check is used to ensure that the sound levels and frequencies generated by the audiometer are accurate. It is important for audiometers to be properly calibrated to ensure accuracy in measuring the hearing levels of individuals. The form must be completed at least once a year and whenever an audiometer has been serviced or moved to a new location. When completing this form, an audiologist should use a calibrated reference microphone and check the output levels of each frequency on the audiometer. If any discrepancies are found between the microphone’s readings and those of the audiometer, adjustments must be made until both measurements match. Furthermore, information about the ambient sound level in the area where testing was conducted should also be included on DD Form 2217 as background noise can affect results. Finally, if any equipment malfunctions occur during testing or calibration checks, they must also be reported on DD Form 2217 and described in detail so that proper repairs can take place.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2217?

The DD Form 2217 is a form used to record and report the calibration checks for biological audiometers. This form, like all other DD Forms, can be found on the official website of the Department of Defense (DoD). The form can be found on the DoD Forms Management Program website, which is an online repository of all forms related to military personnel, including those pertaining to medical records. The site also provides detailed instructions for completing and submitting these forms. Additionally, many private organizations that provide hearing healthcare services have their own versions of this form available for download or purchase.

For convenience, some online sources allow users to fill out and submit their DD Form 2217 electronically from any device with internet access. These forms are then securely submitted directly to DoD’s secure server where they are processed and archived. Furthermore, some defense installations offer paper copies of this form in their healthcare facilities or medical offices so servicemembers can fill it out before submitting it electronically or mailing it in after completion.

DD Form 2217 – Biological Audiometer Calibration Check

DD Form 2217 is used to check the calibration of biological audiometers, which are used in hearing tests. The form requires a technician to enter the data from their specific audiometer and then compare it against the standard requirements listed on the form. This helps ensure that all readings taken with an audiometer are accurate and reliable. On DD Form 2217, the technician must provide details about the type of testing being done, including air conduction threshold tests, bone conduction threshold tests, speech recognition threshold tests, and tympanometry measurements. Additionally, they must provide information about any other equipment used during testing as well as any modifications made to their testing procedure. After completing this information on DD Form 2217, technicians should compare their results against those in the Biological Audiometer Calibration Check chart provided on the form to verify that their readings are within acceptable limits for accuracy and reliability in hearing test results.

DD Form 2217 Example

DD Form 2217