DD Form 2260 – Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2260 – Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log – The DD Form 2260 is an essential document for any unit that sends and receives mail. It is designed to help keep track of who is responsible for the main duties within a unit and can be used by both military and civilian personnel. Unit Mail-Clerks are an integral part of the mail system, providing timely delivery of important messages and packages to their assigned units.

Download DD Form 2260 – Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log

Form Number DD Form 2260 –
Form Title Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log
Edition Date 5/1/2000
File Size 45 KB

DD FORM 2260 (2 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2260?

A DD Form 2260 is a document used by the United States military to designate a mail clerk for each unit. This form is typically filled out by an officer or staff non-commissioned officer in the unit and stored in their records. It is required that each unit have a designated mail clerk who will be responsible for checking, distributing, and sorting mail addressed to members of that particular unit. The form includes information about the individual designated as the mail clerk, including their name and rank, as well as information about their duties such as when they are available to sort through incoming mail during the day. It also contains instructions on how to fill out other forms associated with receiving and sending military mail. Additionally, it outlines any other responsibilities associated with being a designated mailbox clerk such as tracking postage costs or filing reports on time spent on mailing-related tasks. This form should be updated regularly to reflect changes made in personnel assignments so that all members of the unit have accurate information regarding who is handling their mail needs.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2260?

The DD Form 2260, Unit Mail-Clerk Orderly Designation Log, is a form used by the U.S. military to designate an individual as a mail clerk or orderly for a specific unit. This designation is usually intended for soldiers of lower rank who have been assigned additional duties beyond their normal duties within the unit. The primary purpose of this form is to provide a record of mail clerks and orderlies on file with the unit command in order to identify who should receive training and other related information about their assigned roles within the unit.

The DD Form 2260 can be obtained from any local military base, installation, or department of defense facility that provides services for members of the armed forces. Additionally, it can also be requested directly from the Department of Defense’s website by downloading it as a PDF file or ordering it through their online store. Finally, some third-party websites may also offer downloadable versions of this form that can be printed out and used in lieu of obtaining an official copy from one of these sources.

DD Form 2260 – Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log

DD Form 2260 is a tool used by the United States military to track mail clerk designations. It is designed to help commanders track their unit’s mail clerks and other personnel who are assigned to perform mail duties. The form features a section for listing each person’s name, rank, date of designation, date relieved from duty, and any restrictions or special instructions regarding their duties. It also contains an area for supervisors to make notes of individual performance. This helps ensure that each mail-clerk orderlies are properly trained in the specific tasks assigned to them and meets all requirements set forth by the commander. Additionally, this form provides a record of those individuals who were previously designated as mail clerk orderlies so that they can be contacted if needed in the future. This document provides commanders with an easy way to keep their unit’s personnel organized and up-to-date on their duties.

DD Form 2260 Example

DD Form 2260