DD Form 2273 – Irregularities in Makeup and Dispatch of Mail

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2273 – Irregularities in Makeup and Dispatch of Mail – The U.S. Postal Service is responsible for delivering mail to businesses and households across the country, but sometimes irregularities can occur. These irregularities can cause confusion and delays in the delivery of mail, making it important to understand how to report them. For federal employees, one way to do this is through DD Form 2273, which is used to report irregularities in the makeup and dispatch of mail.

Download DD Form 2273 – Irregularities in Makeup and Dispatch of Mail

Form Number DD Form 2273
Form Title Irregularities in Makeup and Dispatch of Mail
Edition Date 5/1/2000
File Size 71 KB

What is a DD Form 2273?

DD Form 2273 is a form used by the United States Postal Service to report irregularities in the makeup and dispatch of mail. These irregularities may include late mail, incorrect sorting, or misdirected mail. The form collects details about the sender, recipient, items mailed (i.e., letter, package), date sent and received, and other pertinent information. It also requires the USPS employee to provide an explanation as to why they believe an irregularity occurred in order for it to be reviewed and corrected if necessary. If an error or delay is found on behalf of the USPS, they will issue a refund or credit back to the customer who experienced it. In addition, DD Form 2273 can be used as evidence when filing a claim with USPS for lost or damaged items that were shipped through their services. This form can help ensure customers receive accurate compensation for any issues resulting from incorrect shipping processes by USPS personnel.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2273?

DD Form 2273 is available online at the Department of Defense’s official website, where it can be downloaded in a PDF format. Additionally, the form can also be requested from any post office or military installation within the United States. A DD Form 2273 must be completed if mail is lost, tampered with, or damaged during transit. The form should outline the details of what happened to the mail as well as what needs to be done in order to fix it, such as providing a refund or offering a replacement package. In addition to filling out and submitting this form, individuals may need to provide additional information such as proof that they sent or received something and copies of any relevant documents. Lastly, individuals may also need to contact their local post office and file an inquiry in order for their claim to be investigated and resolved.

DD Form 2273 – Irregularities in Makeup and Dispatch of Mail

The DD Form 2273 is used to document irregularities in the makeup and dispatch of mail. This form can be used to keep track of any issues that may arise with a shipment, including incorrect or incomplete packaging, labeling, item marking, or documentation requirements. Additionally, it can also be used to document any damages that occur during the transportation process. The form also requires information on who is responsible for the irregularity and what corrective action was taken in response. All details should be recorded accurately so that any future investigations into the issue can be completed effectively.

In some cases, a DD Form 2273 may need to be filled out for an entire shipment rather than for individual items within a shipment. For example, if there are multiple parcels in a single shipment but only one parcel has an issue due to incorrect labeling or other irregularities then all parcels in that shipment would need to have their information documented on a single DD Form 2273. Furthermore, this form should not be confused with DD Form 1387 which is specifically used for tracking hazardous materials shipments; they are two separate forms with distinct purposes and requirements.

DD Form 2273 Example

DD Form 2273