DD Form 2496 – International Student Academic Report

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2496 – International Student Academic Report – This article will discuss the DD Form 2496, or the International Student Academic Report. The form is an important part of the admissions process for international students who wish to attend school in the United States. It provides universities and colleges with information about a student’s level of academic achievement in their home country. Additionally, it serves as a way for educational institutions to assess a student’s readiness for college-level courses.

Download DD Form 2496 – International Student Academic Report

Form Number DD Form 2496
Form Title International Student Academic Report
Edition Date 2/1/1996
File Size 36 KB

What is a DD Form 2496?

DD Form 2496 is a document used by the US Department of Defense to collect information about international students who are studying in military schools. The form contains important details about the student’s academic performance, including their grades, course titles, and credit hours. These reports help track the progress of international students and ensure that they are meeting academic standards.

The information on DD Form 2496 is confidential and is only accessible to authorized personnel who need it for official purposes. This ensures the privacy of the student’s personal information while also allowing military officials to make informed decisions regarding their education.

It is important for international students to understand the significance of this form as it can impact their ability to continue studying in military schools. Failure to meet academic standards outlined on DD Form 2496 may result in termination from their program or even deportation from the United States. Therefore, international students should prioritize maintaining good academic standing and ensuring accurate reporting on this important document.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2496?

If you are an international student studying in the United States and need to transfer to another institution, one of the requirements for your transfer is the International Student Academic Report (ISAR). The ISAR is a document that provides a summary of your academic record, including courses taken and grades earned. To obtain this report, you will need to complete DD Form 2496.

DD Form 2496 can be obtained from your school’s international student office or registrar’s office. You will need to provide them with basic information such as your name, date of birth, and student ID number. Once they have verified your identity, they can provide you with a copy of the form.

If you are no longer enrolled in school but still require a copy of DD Form 2496 for immigration purposes, you can request it from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). You will need to fill out an online form and provide proof of identity before they can process your request.

DD Form 2496 – International Student Academic Report

DD Form 2496 is a report that records the academic progress of international students studying at Department of Defense (DoD) schools. This form is used to ensure that all DoD schools are in compliance with applicable laws, policies, and regulations governing the education of foreign students. The information on this form is also used to track student progress and retention rates.

The International Student Academic Report contains detailed information about each student’s academic performance, including their grades, attendance records, and any disciplinary actions taken against them. The data collected on this form is essential for monitoring individual student progress and for evaluating the effectiveness of educational programs offered by DoD schools.

International students who attend DoD schools must have their academic performance recorded on DD Form 2496 in order to remain eligible for continued enrollment. Failure to comply with reporting requirements can result in denial or revocation of approval to enroll international students. It is therefore crucial that DoD school officials take great care when completing this report for each international student under their charge.

DD Form 2496 Example

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