DD Form 2798 – Application/Permit for Use of Space on the Pentagon Reservation

DDFORMS.ORG –  DD Form 2798 – Application/Permit for Use of Space on the Pentagon Reservation – The DD Form 2798, otherwise known as the “Application Permit for Use of Space on the Pentagon Reservation”, is an important form for any organization seeking to use space on the Pentagon Reservation for any purpose. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the DD Form 2798, including its purpose and what information must be included in the application. Additionally, this article will outline how to submit an application and who to contact if additional help is needed.

Download DD Form 2798 – Application/Permit for Use of Space on the Pentagon Reservation

Form Number DD Form 2798
Form Title Application/Permit for Use of Space on the Pentagon Reservation
Edition Date December 1999
File Size 41 KB

DD Form 2798 (4 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2798?

A DD Form 2798 is a type of application form used for permission to use space on the Pentagon Reservation. This form is issued by the Pentagon Force Protection Agency in order to allow individuals, groups and organizations access to areas within the United States Department of Defense’s headquarters. Typically, those who are granted permission have a legitimate purpose for being there, such as conducting research or engaging in activities related to official business.

To be granted access through this application process requires that an individual provide detailed information about themselves, as well as their proposed activity at the Pentagon Reservation. This includes personal contact information, details about any associated group or organization, and specifics on which particular locations they wish to access and why. Depending on the nature of what one wishes to do at the Pentagon Reservation, additional documents may also need to be provided before approval can be given.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2798?

DD Form 2798, also known as an Application Permit for Use of Space on the Pentagon Reservation, is a document used by the United States Department of Defense to authorize the use of space at the Pentagon. The form is available through various military websites and organizations, such as milSuite or Army Knowledge Online. It can be retrieved from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) forms website or printed from any federal government website that offers official forms to download. Additionally, those who wish to submit an application for a permit may contact their local installation office or Army Reserve Center for assistance in obtaining a DD Form 2798.

The form must be filled out completely and signed by all parties involved in order to receive authorization for occupancy at the Pentagon Reservation.

DD Form 2798 – Application/Permit for Use of Space on the Pentagon Reservation

The Pentagon Reservation is one of the most heavily secured and protected locations in the United States. It is home to the Department of Defense and its many branches, as well as a variety of other government agencies. Recently, the Pentagon has made it easier for organizations to obtain permission to use space on the reservation through DD Form 2798 – Application Permit for Use of Space on the Pentagon Reservation. This form allows organizations to apply for permission to host events, meetings or activities at any of several designated areas throughout the reservation.

In order to submit an application using DD Form 2798, organizations must first complete an online registration process with specific information about their event or activity. Once this is completed, a copy of DD Form 2798 must be submitted along with supporting documents such as proof of insurance and a list of participants attending the event or activity.

DD Form 2798 Example

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