DD Form 2808 – Accessions Medical History Report

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2808 – Accessions Medical History Report – Do you know what a DD Form 2808 is and where you can get one? If you are planning to apply for a college degree, you will have to fill out this form. It is also necessary to include the Accessions Medical History Report in your DD Form 2808. This will allow the school to review your health and determine your eligibility for a college degree.

Download DD Form 2808 – Accessions Medical History Report

Form Number DD Form 2808
Form Title Accessions Medical History Report
Edition Date 12/7/2021
File Size 60 KB

DD Form 2808 (15 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2808?

A DD 2808 form is a report of medical examination that is commonly used by the US Department of Defense to document their member’s medical health. Typically, it is completed by new recruits at a military entrance processing station. The form can be downloaded from a gadget, sent via email to a specified recipient, or even printed out in its entirety. In addition to assessing the fitness of a prospective military member, it can also serve as a means to identify the best-suited candidate for the job.

The DD 2808 is one of several health-related forms that must be completed by prospective members. Other required forms include the DD 2807-1, which is a “report of medical history” and the DD 2808-3, which documents the results of a medical exam. It is important to note that applicants are deemed fit to be inducted into the US Navy if they can demonstrate a healthy lifestyle, a decent fitness regimen, and a clean bill of health. A delinquent PHA should be addressed prior to a Retirement or Separation physical.

While the aforementioned DD 2808 is likely to be a bit of a pain to fill out, it does have the obvious advantage of demonstrating the best and brightest that the armed forces have to offer.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2808?

If you are a member of the United States Armed Forces, chances are you have encountered the DD form 2808. The dd form 2808 is a tidbit of trivia used by active and reserve members alike. It is the standard by which recruits are evaluated for fitness and readiness. It can be a pain to get this form completed, but it is an oh-so-important part of the recruitment process. If you are not aware of it, you might find yourself in a sticky situation later on down the road.

While you are at it, consider utilizing a service such as sign now, which can streamline your workflow while providing you with a customized digital signature on the fly. Not only can you save a few bucks on your monthly bill, you will also be able to make an impact on the environment in the process. Plus, you will be able to take advantage of a well-crafted digital signature that can be used in any number of ways, including emailing it off to your favorite colleague. This is especially helpful if you are a busy professional or a military spouse who needs to send a few dozen emails each month.

Although you can’t go wrong using sign now, you might want to try out other services such as Dropbox and Google Drive. It’s important to note that sign now is not limited to a few documents, you can upload your favorite file type. This includes images, audio, and video, and even scanned paper documents.

DD Form 2808 – Accessions Medical History Report

The Department of Defense Accessions Medical History Report is used to gather the medical history of a soldier in the U.S. Army. It was updated on 10 October 2018. It also has a Waiver Matrix that provides a list of required documents.

The form is available in 10 different colors. It is used for outpatient and inpatient medical records. It is available for active duty soldiers as well as for ARGUS soldiers. It is available online and can be imported from other services. A user can edit or add text, insert pictures, and rearrange pages. It is also cloud-based and enables sharing documents via email. A fax or letter request may be accepted in urgent situations.

A user can upload, drag, and export documents to the cloud. A user can also use online editors to add or remove text, pictures, or signs. A user can also add a checkmark or insert a sign to indicate a change of information. A user can also import documents from other services, export them to the cloud, and share them via email. A user can also import, delete, and rearrange pages.

A user can print, email, or fax the completed form. A local ROTC representative will need to approve the physical before the soldier can be accepted into the Green to Gold program.

DD Form 2808 Example

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