DD Form 2897 – Former Spouse Distribution Statement

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2897 – Former Spouse Distribution Statement – DD Form 2897 is a document that serves as the Former Spouse Distribution Statement for members of the United States military. This form is used to outline the amount of retired pay or pension benefits that are allocated to a former spouse after a divorce.

The distribution of retirement pay and other benefits can be a complicated and emotional issue in any divorce, especially when one or both spouses have served in the military. DD Form 2897 is designed to provide clarity and help ensure that each party receives their fair share of these benefits. In this article, we will take a closer look at what this form entails and how it can impact military divorces.

Download DD Form 2897 – Former Spouse Distribution Statement

Form Number DD Form 2897
Form Title Former Spouse Distribution Statement
Edition Date 5/1/2006
File Size  33 KB

DD Form 2897 (4 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2897?

The DD Form 2897 is a document used by the Department of Defense to determine how military retirement benefits will be distributed after a divorce. It is specifically designed for former spouses of military members who are entitled to a portion of their retirement pay as part of a divorce settlement. The form requires detailed information about the former spouse’s name, address, and Social Security number.

Additionally, the form asks for information about the court order or agreement that outlines the distribution of military retirement benefits. This includes details such as the effective date of the order or agreement and how much of the member’s retirement pay is being awarded to the former spouse. The DD Form 2897 must be submitted to DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service) in order for payments to begin.

It is important for both parties involved in military divorce to understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to retirement benefits. The DD Form 2897 helps ensure that these benefits are distributed fairly and according to legal requirements.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2897?

If you’re looking for DD Form 2897, it’s important to note that this form is specific to former spouses of military members. The purpose of the form is to document the division of retired pay in accordance with a divorce decree or court order.

To obtain a copy of DD Form 2897, the first step is to contact your local military installation’s legal assistance office. They should be able to provide you with a blank copy of the form and assist you in filling it out correctly.

Alternatively, you can also download a fillable PDF version of DD Form 2897 from various online sources. However, it’s important to ensure that you’re using an official version of the form from a reputable source.

Overall, obtaining DD Form 2897 requires some effort and research on behalf of former military spouses seeking to divide retirement pay as part of their divorce settlement. However, with the right resources and guidance from legal professionals, it can be done successfully.

DD Form 2897 – Former Spouse Distribution Statement

The DD Form 2897 is a document used in military divorces to outline the distribution of benefits and entitlements to former spouses. This form is necessary for the former spouse to receive any portion of the service member’s retirement pay or benefits. The information on this form includes things like the amount and duration of payments, as well as any waiver or division agreements made between the parties.

One key element of the DD Form 2897 is that it must be signed by both parties, including the service member and their former spouse. In some cases, this can be a contentious process if there are issues with communication or disagreement over how assets should be divided. However, it is important for both parties to carefully review and agree upon these terms in order to avoid any future legal disputes.

Overall, while filling out a DD Form 2897 may seem like just another bureaucratic task during an already difficult time, it plays an important role in ensuring that both parties receive their fair share of military benefits after divorce.

DD Form 2897 Example

DD Form 2897