DD Form 365-3 – Record of Weight and Balance Personnel

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 365-3 – Record of Weight and Balance Personnel – If you are a member of the armed forces, you may need to fill out the DD Form 365-3. This form is used to record your weight and balance. It is especially important if you have recently become injured or ill. The form is designed to help the military assess your condition so that your commander can make appropriate decisions about your health.

Download DD Form 365-3 – Record of Weight and Balance Personnel

Form Number DD Form 365-3
Form Title Record of Weight and Balance Personnel
Edition Date 8/1/1996
File Size 126 KB

DD Form 365-3 (8 downloads )

What is a DD Form 365-3?

A DD Form 365-3 is the chart C-basic weight and balance record. It is a US Army record that describes the weight and balance of personnel assigned to specific locations. It is also a summary of the military service of individuals. The form can be used to request discharge benefits and to record the pay grade of an individual.

Some of the other forms that are part of the DD Form 365 series are the following: DD Form 365-1, DD Form 365-2, DD Form 365-3, DA Form 2765-1, and DA Form 2765-R. These are all documents that are part of the DOD single-line item requisition system.

Another form that is a part of the DD Form 365 series is the DD Form 365-4, the military service information sheet. This document is also known as a Statement of Account for Individuals in the Service of the United States. In order to use this form, you will need to fill out the form with specific information about the individuals that you are requesting to be paid. You will need to include their rank, pay grade, locations of service, and dates of service.

Other forms that are part of the DD Form series include the DA Form 2408-12, the Army Aviator’s Flight Record; DA Form 2408-13, the aircraft status information record; DA Form 2408-14, the uncorrected fault record; and DA Form 2408-5, the equipment modification record.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 365-3?

When you are preparing to request retirement benefits or discharge from the military, a DD Form 365-3 is an important document to have on hand. This form summarizes your military service, listing your rank, pay grade, dates of service, and specific details. It also lists your military service locations.

You can find this form online at the Naval Publications and Forms Center. The form includes the basics and is not meant to replace more advanced forms. For example, if you are using an Automated Weight and Balance System (AWBS), you can skip the DA Form 365-3. Similarly, you can use a DD Form 1425 to request an index of military specifications.

The form is dated and must be initialed in the block. Several DD Form 365-4s may be used to meet this requirement. A DD Form 365-4 is also used to request an electronic computer data sheet that contains the same weight and balance data. After making the necessary changes, the electronic computer data sheet must be annotated by the Technical Information (TI) office. Alternatively, several DD Form 365-4s may be compared to verify that the differences are within the range of acceptable differences.

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DD Form 365-3 – Record of Weight and Balance Personnel

The DD Form 365-3 is the weighing and balance record of choice in the military. It contains vital information, such as aircraft type and serial number, and identifies items installed and fixed stowage. This form is designed to meet the rigors of daily operations in the air force. You will be required to use it if you are responsible for weight and balance. However, you may opt for electronic computer data sheets instead. Whether you choose to use these, or something else, there is always a reason to keep your QA staff apprised of all equipment and personnel changes.

Other notable features include the DD Form 365-3 Chart C, which records permanent changes in the center of gravity (CG) of your aircraft. The CG may change if a component weighing more than 5 pounds is installed. In the DA Form 365-3, Chart C is updated to reflect this change. On the flip side, a DA Form 365-3 may not be updated if a component is removed, or if the aircraft is repainted. If you’re considering updating or re-installing a CG chart, you’ll want to make sure you’re up to speed on all your weight and balance requirements before the aircraft arrives at its destination.

DD Form 365-3 Example

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