DD Form 370 – Request for Reference

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 370 – Request for Reference – The DD Form 370 is an important form to fill out when you are planning to take a trip to the United States, Canada, or Mexico. If you want to avoid a possible fine, you should make sure that you fill it out correctly and include all the necessary information. This document is the only way that you can get your visa. It will allow you to travel with your family members without worrying about getting caught in customs.

Download DD Form 370 – Request for Reference

Form Number DD Form 370
Form Title Request for Reference
Edition Date 4/5/2021
File Size 41 KB

What is a DD Form 370?

The DD Form 370 is a form used to obtain personal and professional references for a prospective military applicant. This form is also used for processing enlistment waivers. It is a part of the package for all new US Army recruits.

It is important for recruiters to understand the confidentiality of reference information. The individual providing the reference must agree to keep all details of the applicant confidential.

All applications for enlistment will have a sex offender query conducted before enlistment. This query includes a search of all territories and states to verify that the applicant’s name, age, and address match those of a sex offender. Applicants will be notified of their sex offender match if the result is positive.

Applicants who do not have any law violations are not required to get a police record check. However, applicants who have been convicted of a new offense or a repeat offense are required to get a court check.

Applicants who are self-employed are required to obtain a DD Form 370 from someone who performed services for the applicant. In addition, photocopies of these references may be included in the applicant’s pre-enlistment kit.

During an interview, an individual will fill out a NAVCRUIT Form 1131_5. They will then give the form to the recruiter. A commanding officer or a school administrator may request a reference from an employer.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 370?

DD Form 370 is an important document for US uniformed services. It is used to verify the identity of an applicant and to gather personal reference data on them. This form is also used to request copies of official military personnel records.

Applicants who want to be assigned to the US Army may be required to complete a DD Form 370. Applicants who are already in the US military or have civilian work experience are not required to complete this form. However, this form is important to determine the applicant’s suitability for the US military.

Enlistees are responsible for ensuring that the information provided on the form is accurate. They must indicate any rights they have regarding the information contained in the form. A recruiter may not release any of the information provided in the form without the applicant’s permission.

If a police record check is required, applicants must obtain a new police check. New arrests, convictions, and law violations require a new check. In addition, a sex offender query is conducted before an applicant enlists. The results of the query will include the name, age, and reported address matches.

Enlistees will have the option of submitting a character reference. Personal references may include schoolteachers, pastors, or church members. Employer references are also acceptable.

DD Form 370 – Request for Reference

The DD Form 370 is a document that is part of the application process for military service. It is used to obtain personal and professional references for applicants. Applicants may also be required to submit a character reference.

If a person is a current or former employer, a commanding officer can request a reference through telephonic procedures. Alternatively, a school, a community leader, or a church pastor may be used as a personal reference. This information will help to determine a person’s eligibility for service in the military.

Those requesting a reference should be aware that it is a confidential document. Disclosing any information about the reference may lead to fines. In addition, anyone who provides a reference will have to sign a questionnaire. Those who provide references will be asked to indicate the circumstances in which they volunteered their services.

The DD Form 370 is not provided to the applicant, but it can be printed or downloaded. Applicants can also export the form to a digital device or share it via email.

Using the form, a person providing a reference will be asked to write a statement about why the applicant should be considered for a position. Generally, references are not accepted as personal references.

DD Form 370 Example

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