DD Form 441-1 – Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 441-1 – Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement – DD Form 441-1 is a form that is used as an appendage of the Department of Defense. This form is used to track the military and civilian employees of the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps. There are certain requirements that need to be met in order to fill out this form. These include the name and address of the employee, his/her date of birth, and other information.

Download DD Form 441-1 – Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement

Form Number DD Form 441-1
Form Title Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement
Edition Date 3/1/2020
File Size 32 KB

DD Form 441-1 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 441-1?

The Department of Defense Form 441-1 is an attachment to the DoD Security Agreement and is an official document that details the security requirements of a cleared organization. It can be used to authorize hand carry of sensitive compartmented information. It is required for companies seeking to receive a facility clearance for a classified contract.

This document is also used by prospective contractors to report their foreign ownership, management, or involvement in the operations of a business. Before being able to receive a facility clearance, a company must obtain a Foreign Commercial Code (FCL) from a federal government agency.

A company must also execute a DD Form 441 if they wish to work on a classified contract. It is a legally binding agreement between a contractor and the US government. If the contractor does not have a security program in place, the federal government may not approve the security clearance.

In addition to executing a DD Form 441-1, a company must also sign an SF 328 Certificate of Foreign Interest. These two documents are the basis for the United States government’s assessment of a contractor’s security program.

SF 328 is estimated to be completed by about 500 individuals per year. Information contained on SF 328 forms is cross-checked by a DSS representative.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 441-1?

If you are a contractor working with the United States government, you will likely be required to fill out a DD form 441 in order to receive a facility security clearance. A facility security clearance is a great way for you to ensure that you will not be exposed to classified information. During this process, you will be evaluated by the US Department of Defense and you will agree to specific terms of access to ensure that your company will not be hacked or spied upon.

A DD form 441 is not the only document you need to fill out in order to get a facility security clearance. The government will also want to know more about your business, so they will be assessing your security controls and procedures in order to make sure that you have what it takes to keep your classified information secure.

A DD Form 441 is a good start, but you should also consider filling out an SF 328 Certificate of Foreign Interest. This is a nifty little document that provides the information you need to know about the foreign ownership and management of your company. It is cross-checked by a representative from the Defense Security Service (DSS) to ensure that you are getting it right.

DD Form 441-1 – Appendage to Department of Defense Security Agreement

DD Form 441 is a government-contractor agreement form. It details the security responsibilities of a cleared organization. This document also enables a contractor to request and receive allotted vacation time for its employees. DoD Form 441 is also known as the Defense Contractor Employee Vacation and Leave Request.

To be considered a government-industrial security company, your organization must execute the DD Form 441 – “DoD Security Agreement.” The DD Form 441 is an agreement between the US government and your organization. Your company’s personnel must complete this form and submit it to the human resources department. Once approved, it is an important part of your company’s security requirements. Upon completing this document, you must retain a copy at both your corporate headquarters and DSS. Keeping a copy at both locations is crucial because if you fail to do so, you may be subject to a fine.

Similarly, you must have a DD Form 441-1 for your organization’s branch offices. In addition, you must have an SF 328 in order to be eligible for facility security clearance. An SF 328 is a form of certification that your organization holds foreign interests. You must use a company seal to indicate this.

One of the most interesting aspects of a DD Form 441 is its ability to help your organization stand out from the pack. When properly completed, you will be able to enjoy the many benefits of having your company listed at the top of its class.

DD Form 441-1 Example

DD Form 441-1