DD Form 553 – Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 553 – Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces – DD Form 553 is a form used by the Armed Forces. The form is designed for the purpose of identifying deserters and absentees from the Armed Forces. It also allows the armed forces to keep track of these individuals.

Download DD Form 553 – Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces

Form Number DD Form 553
Form Title Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces
Edition Date 11/22/2021
File Size 120 KB

What is a DD Form 553?

The DD Form 553 is a military form that the U.S. Army uses to track deserters. There are hundreds of forms in the DD Series that are used to record and document military service. Some of these are even designed to be completed in a PDF format.

The most common uses for the DD Form 553 include tracking deserters and AWOLs. The DD Form 553 can be completed online. Several other DoD forms are available for download. DD Form 1300, which is the Department of Veterans Services’ equivalent of the DD Form 553, is also available.

Aside from the DA Form 553, there are many other military forms used by the U.S. Army to keep track of soldiers and officers. These include the NGB Form 22, GSA Form 6954, NAVMC Form 78-PD, and NAVPERS Form 661. However, these do not include instructions that are specific to each individual form.

The most effective way to track a deserter is to notify the proper authorities. In addition to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, the Army has its own Deserter Information Point or DIP, that can be of assistance. Its function is to track and validate information on deserters and AWOLs. This is done by utilizing the automated personnel accounting system of the Military Service. When the PMO/DES receives the proper notification, they must immediately initiate the LER to record all aspects of the incident. Similarly, the best and most efficient way to notify local FBI field offices about a possible apprehension is to provide the appropriate information.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 553?

The Department of Defense (DoD) recently released a DD Form 553 that has been getting some serious buzz on the interwebs. It is available in PDF and is a great way to document your service history if you’re a military vet, but do you have a copy? If so, it’s not that difficult to download a PDF version and submit it via facsimile or email. Interestingly, a DD Form 553 is one of the hundreds of DoD forms that can be found in PDF format.

There’s a lot more to a DD Form 553 than meets the eye, though. You’ll need to follow a few guidelines to enter it in the right manner. For instance, you’ll want to keep the document’s OTH (out of town) designation to a minimum, and only send it to your relatives. To ensure that the resulting paper is actually worth a scan, make sure that you have the paper recorded in a local Register of Deeds office. Likewise, you’ll want to check with your branch’s Air Force Personnel Center to determine your actual final period of service.

As far as the DA Form 553 is concerned, it’s not as impressive as the Department of Veterans Affairs’s SF 1034, which is the quickest way to get a copy of your military records from your old service or if you’re looking to find a replacement for a lost or destroyed form.

DD Form 553 – Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces

A DD Form 553 is issued by the commanding officer in the case of a Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed. It is a military form that requires the individual to provide information on where he or she is, what his or her pay grade is, and what phone number is used to contact him.

Incorrectly completing the form can lead to an unnecessary delay. The form is available in PDF format. To complete the form, you must have a driver’s license and vehicle identification number. You can also submit it via e-mail.

You can request a copy of the form from the U.S. Department of Defense. An agency representative is required to make the delivery.

Whether a deserter is apprehended or surrendered, a reward is authorized. Depending on the circumstances, the award can be up to $50 or up to $75. This payment will be made to the person who made the arrest or the agency representative.

Generally, this reward is only for soldiers or enlisted members who are currently TAD (Transient Active Duty). However, if the deserter is transferred to another branch of the armed forces, the reward is still valid.

If the enlisted member is a National Guard soldier, he or she must be in compliance with state laws in order to receive a reward. For example, Commonwealth of Virginia misdemeanor warrants must be submitted in compliance with State Code 44-50.

DD Form 553 Example

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