DD Form 878 – Military Mail Dispatched

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 878 – Military Mail Dispatched – If you want to send an item to someone in the military you will need to fill out a DD Form 878. This form is important and you should always keep it in your wallet. It helps the post office and your family to stay on top of your mail.

Download DD Form 878 – Military Mail Dispatched

Form Number DD Form 878
Form Title Military Mail Dispatched
Edition Date 11/1/1968
File Size 101 KB

What is a DD Form 878?

When you have just been assigned to a new job in the military, you’ll have to fill out a DD Form 878. This form will contain important information about you, including your employment history, military duties, training, performance, qualifications, and much more. The information is also used by the Department of Defense (DoD) for disciplinary actions, emergencies, and other personnel actions. However, the information that is entered on this form is not endorsed by the federal government, and the DoD does not exercise editorial control over the information.

Once you have completed this form, you’ll have to sign a DD Form 2813, which will allow you to have your dental readiness classification input. The information that you input on this form will stay valid for one year from the date that you put it on the DD Form 2813.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 878?

Obtaining a DD Form 878 isn’t something that you should rush into. Depending on the state you’re in, it can take up to eight weeks to receive a new ID card. If you’re in the Hampton Roads area, you can get one from any of the numerous ID Card Issuance Offices.

The government’s website offers an interesting tidbit: military personnel records are open to the public 62 years after they’ve left the service. You can order copies of these records from any state’s veterans’ office, but you’ll be paying a fee. It’s not a free service, but it’s the only way you can get a copy.

DD Form 878 Example

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