DD Form 2130-14 – KC-135 Load Plan

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2130-14 – KC-135 Load Plan – The purpose of an aircraft load plan is to ensure the safe, efficient, and timely loading of a plane. DD Form 2130-14 is a specific form used for the loading of KC-135 aircraft. This article provides an overview of DD Form 2130-14, including its purpose and components. It also covers how it is used within the operations of KC-135 aircraft and how it can be filled out in order to create an effective load plan.

Download DD Form 2130-14 – KC-135 Load Plan

Form Number DD Form 2130-14
Form Title KC-135 Load Plan
Edition Date 9/1/1998
File Size 140 KB

DD FORM 2130-14 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 2130-14?

DD Form 2130-14 is a document used to accurately plan and organize the supplies, cargo, and personnel for an aircraft mission. It contains information about the aircraft type, load number, and weight of each item being loaded onto the plane. The form also includes a list of passengers that will be traveling on board as well as their assigned seating positions.

Additionally, the form can provide details such as passenger baggage weight limits, hazardous material handling instructions, and total fuel requirements for the flight. This document is usually filled out by ground crews before an aircraft mission takes off so that all necessary items are properly accounted for prior to take-off.

Furthermore, DD Form 2130-14 provides ground personnel with important safety checklists to ensure every box is ticked before they clear the aircraft for takeoff. After successful mission completion, additional copies of this form may be kept on file in order to track past missions or investigate any issues that occurred during a flight.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2130-14?

The DD Form 2130-14, also known as the KC-135 Load Plan, is an official document used by members of the U.S. Air Force to prepare and manage their aircrews’ flight plans and cargo loads. The form consists of four parts: a fuel and cargo profile part, a cargo loading part, a crew information part, and a take-off weight summary part. The form must be filled out for every mission flown with the KC-135 aircraft.

Members of the U.S. Air Force can find the DD Form 2130-14 either at their local base or online through various websites such as govinfo from the government publishing office or by searching on Google for “DD Form 2130-14” or “KC-135 Load Plan”. Additionally, some military supply stores may carry copies of this form in stock for purchase if needed for training purposes or other operational uses.

DD Form 2130-14 – KC-135 Load Plan

The DD Form 2130-14 is an air force form used to record the load plan for a KC-135 aircraft. This form provides information about the type, weight, and size of cargo being loaded onto the plane, as well as any special instructions for loading and unloading. Additionally, it lists any hazardous materials on board and their locations. The form also includes space for crew names, flight routing information, refueling data, and other necessary details. It must be completed before each mission and is used by ground personnel to ensure that the plane is safely loaded before take-off. By providing detailed information about what is onboard the aircraft, this form helps reduce potential risks associated with loading cargo onto a KC-135 aircraft.

DD Form 2130-14 Example

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