DD Form 2130-15 – C-130J-30 Load Plan

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2130-15 – C-130J-30 Load Plan – The DD Form 2130-15 is a comprehensive document that outlines the load plan for the C-130J-30 aircraft. It is a key tool utilized by airlift personnel in order to ensure that cargo and personnel are safely and securely transported. The form identifies the aircraft details, loading locations, and specific weight limitations of each item to be loaded. Proper completion of the DD Form 2130-15 assists in reducing the risk of damage to the aircraft or cargo during flight operations.

Download DD Form 2130-15 – C-130J-30 Load Plan

Form Number DD Form 2130-15
Form Title C-130J-30 Load Plan
Edition Date 6/1/2016
File Size 4 MB

What is a DD Form 2130-15?

DD Form 2130-15, also known as the C-130J-30 Load Plan, is a document used by the US Air Force to track and plan cargo or passenger load-outs on the Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules aircraft. The form is divided into two main sections: “Crew/Passenger Information” and “Load Information”. The Crew/Passenger Information section includes fields such as names of personnel, equipment numbers, and duty assignments.

The Load Information section includes fields such as total weight of cargo, center of gravity (CG) location, and sling load information. This form must be completed for each mission prior to takeoff. It provides vital information for flight crew members about the weight distribution in their aircraft during flight operations which helps them maintain stability during flight maneuvers. Additionally, this form can be used to determine if a particular loadout exceeds any safety limits or regulations set forth by the US Air Force.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2130-15?

The DD Form 2130-15 is a form used by the U.S. Air Force to document the correct loading of cargo onto their C-130J-30 aircraft. This form contains important information on how the cargo has been loaded, including weight and balance calculations, load distribution charts, and other details related to the safe and effective loading of cargo on board the aircraft. In order to obtain this form, individuals must contact their local Air Force installation or base in order to request it from personnel managing operational support services for C-130J-30 aircraft.

The DD Form 2130-15 can also be found online through various government websites such as the Department of Defense Forms Management website or through specific military unit websites that may have access to this form available for download or viewing. Furthermore, some private aviation companies may also have access to this form due to their working relationship with the U.S. Air Force and its C-130J-30 operations; thus they may also have a digital version available online as well.

DD Form 2130-15 – C-130J-30 Load Plan

The DD Form 2130-15 is the C-130J-30 Load Plan, which is used to provide specific information about the cargo and passengers that will be loaded into a C-130J-30 aircraft. This form provides detailed descriptions for various types of cargo and personnel, including weight and center of gravity calculations as well as additional considerations such as minimum/maximum payloads. The DD Form 2130-15 also includes diagrams and tables to assist with the planning process. Additionally, it outlines general instructions on how to properly complete the form. The load plan should be prepared in accordance with any applicable regulations or instructions provided by the air operations squadron commander or an authorized representative. Furthermore, once completed, this form must be reviewed by safety personnel prior to flight operations in order to ensure compliance with all applicable aviation regulations and procedures.

DD Form 2130-15 Example

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